The Story Behind Drake Helping a Person in Need for Mobility ...

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The Story Behind Drake Helping a Person in Need for Mobility ...

The Story Behind Drake Helping a Person in Need for Mobility Equipment

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021, 11:41 pm , Posted by MED +

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Mobility equipment can do a lot more than just help people get around. It can be life changing and give people a new and more positive outlook on things. Sometimes it is a simple piece of equipment that is needed but other times it is a more complex and expensive item. For many people, it’s a challenge to come up with the resources to afford larger and more complex pieces of mobility equipment. Sometimes, people receive an unexpected and fortune gift from an unsuspected source. Enter Drake.

Drake is one of the most famous musicians on the planet. He started his career as an actor, then exploded onto the hip hop scene. Today, many people across Toronto know him for being a brand advocate for the Toronto Raptors. He has become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Toronto of recent memory. Over the years he has become well known for giving back to his local community in Toronto.

“Drake is nothing if not generous with the vast amount of wealth he’s accumulated as one of the world’s most successful recording artists,” says Lauren O’Neil on BlogTo.

“From randomly paying off a Toronto man’s OSAP debt to doling out $10,000 tips at McDonald’s to sharing nearly one million dollars in cash with people all over Miami,” she adds.

Even though he doesn’t boast about it online, it hasn’t stopped recipients of his grand gestures making it known all the good he is doing. Recently, a story surfaced online about Drake helping one of his fans by providing them with some mobility equipment. He didn’t just offer a little help, he provided them with a brand-new wheelchair accessible van that retails around $100,000 USD.

A super fan named Rob was gifted the van for his sister Dora, who is disabled. This is what the fan had to say on Instagram in response to receiving the wheelchair conversion van by Drake:

“God is good. This has been a wild year, to say the least. My sister, Dora, was gifted a 2021 Dodge Pro Master wheelchair conversion van by @champagnepapi ! Those that know me, know he’s my favorite rapper/artist of all time. He has been a HUGE blessing for me and my family. Glad to call him brother and friend. I don’t have to use the pick up truck to take her to her appointments anymore. We can all ride comfortably, especially Dora, to her doctor appts with little effort. This has changed our lives for the better.”

It is gestures like this that can change a life. Providing people with access to mobility equipment can completely change their way of life. In this instance, having access to a wheelchair friendly van for Dora can mean she will be able to get out of the house more often. It will be easier for her to not only get proper care and meet with her doctors, but to also have more social interaction with friends and family. It also takes the onus off her brother and other family members. It makes it easier for them to help care for her.

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In this case, it was a significant piece of equipment, but in others, it can be something as simple as a walker, power wheelchair, or stair lift that can help people with mobility issues lead a safer and more comfortable life.

Interesting fact – Drake gained notoriety for his role on the Canadian hit television series Degrassi: The Next Generation. He played Jimmy Brooks, a basketball star who was paralyzed from the waist down, forcing him to use a wheelchair. Perhaps this role helped Drake gain a greater appreciation for the challenged faced by people with mobility issues. Regardless, it is great to have people in our society that are so willing to share their wealth and give back to the people who really need the support.

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