Drilling Equipment in Surface Mining: Selection Criteria ...

29 Apr.,2024


Drilling Equipment in Surface Mining: Selection Criteria ...

Drilling Equipment in Surface Mining: Selection Criteria and Operational Optimization

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The selection and optimization of drilling equipment in surface mining is critical to the efficiency, safety, and profitability of the operation. This extensive technical article analyzes the various aspects to consider when choosing and using drilling equipment for different scales: small, medium, and large-scale operations.

Drilling Equipment for Small-Scale Surface Mining

  • Portable drill rigs: Pneumatic hammers: Lightweight, versatile, and cost-effective for small diameters (up to 115 mm). Hydraulic drills: Offer more power and torque for larger diameters (up to 200 mm).
  • Multifunctional equipment: Tractors with pneumatic hammers: Combine drilling with other tasks like excavation and loading. Skidders with drill rigs: Versatile for challenging terrain and limited access.

Drilling Equipment for Medium-Scale Surface Mining

  • Wagon drills: Self-propelled: Provide greater mobility and flexibility in operation. Rotation capability: Enables both vertical and inclined drilling. Higher power and drilling capacity: Diameters up to 450 mm.

Drilling Equipment for Large-Scale Surface Mining

  • Large diameter rotary drills: Drilling capacity: Diameters exceeding 450 mm. High horsepower and torque: Designed for hard rock and tough conditions. Automation systems: Enhance precision and efficiency in operation.

Calculating the Number of Drills Required

  • Factors to consider: Volume of material to be removed Ground geology Diameter and depth of blast holes Drill productivity Drill availability and maintenance time

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Drill Selection

  • Technical criteria: Drilling type (percussion, rotary) Hole diameter and depth Power and torque Power source (hydraulic, electric) Drill features (self-propelled, modular)

Optimizing Drill Utilization

  • Drilling planning: Design an efficient blast hole pattern.
  • Preventive maintenance: Ensure drill availability and reliability.
  • Operation monitoring and control: Optimize productivity and minimize downtime.
  • Personnel training: Promote safe and efficient drill operation.

Additional Considerations

  • Safety: Implement safety measures to protect personnel during operation.
  • Environmental impact: Minimize the environmental impact of drilling.
  • Cost: Analyze the cost-benefit of different drill options.


Selecting and optimizing drilling equipment in surface mining requires a thorough technical analysis, taking into account the operation scale, ground geology, drill technical criteria, and strategies for optimizing drill utilization. Planning, maintenance, training, and monitoring are key to an efficient, safe, and profitable operation.

Technical language:

  • Drilling: Process of creating a hole in rock.
  • Diameter: Width of the blast hole.
  • Depth: Distance of the hole from the surface.
  • Power: Ability to perform work.
  • Torque: Rotational force.
  • Productivity: Amount of material drilled per unit time.
  • Availability: Percentage of time the drill is operational.
  • Preventive maintenance: Actions taken to prevent drill failures.
  • Monitoring: Measuring and recording variables like drilling speed and air pressure.


  • Atlas Copco: [[invalid URL removed]]([invalid URL removed])
  • Sandvik: [[invalid URL removed]]([invalid URL removed])
  • Epiroc: https://www.epiroc.com/en-ae/products/drill-rigs/surface-drill-rigs

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