Understanding Slant Plate Clarifier Sizing & Rating

07 Oct.,2024


Understanding Slant Plate Clarifier Sizing & Rating

When purchasing or renting a slant plate clarifier, it is important to understand the capacity and the projected vs actual surface area of the clarifier.  The water handling capacity of a slant plate clarifier refers to the maximum flow rate of water that the clarifier can effectively treat while maintaining proper solids separation. This capacity is often expressed in terms of gallons per minute (GPM) or liters per minute (LPM) and is influenced by various factors.

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In today&#;s blog, we&#;re explaining several factors that help determine the sizing of a slant plate clarifier and how to determine the surface area of the clarifier.

Determining the Correct Clarifier for Your Needs

The size of a slant plate clarifier, also known as inclined plate settler or lamella clarifier, is determined by several factors related to the wastewater or water treatment process it is being used for. The following key steps help to determine the appropriate slant plate clarifier size.

Design Flow Rate: Calculate or determine the maximum flow rate of the wastewater or water that the clarifier needs to handle. This is usually expressed in cubic meters per hour (m³/h) or gallons per minute (GPM).  Design flow rate is a critical parameter because it influences the clarifier's sizing, hydraulic loading rate, and overall performance.

In order to determine the design flow rate for a slant plate clarifier you first need to gather influent data.  This includes collecting information about the wastewater characteristics, including flow rate variations, suspended solids concentration, particle size distribution, and any other relevant parameters. This data will help you understand the nature of the wastewater and make informed design decisions.

Next you must estimate the average flow rate.  This is achieved by calculating the average flow rate of the wastewater over a defined period, such as a day or a month. This is often the basis for designing the clarifier, as it represents the typical flow the system will handle.

After estimating the average flow rate, you will need to identify any peak flow considerations. This means that you need to identify if there are any peak flow periods or surges in the wastewater flow. In some cases, the design flow rate might need to consider these peak flow events to ensure the clarifier can handle them without overloading.

Next, determine the desired retention time for the slant plate clarifier. Retention time is the duration for which wastewater stays in the clarifier, allowing particles to settle. Typical retention times are between 1 to 3 hours, but this can vary based on the characteristics of the wastewater and the desired effluent quality.

Once you have established the average flow rate and desired retention time, you can calculate Clarifier Volume.  To do this, multiply the average flow rate by the desired retention time.

Based on the calculated clarifier volume and the settling characteristics of the wastewater, determine the required effective settling area. This area will depend on factors such as the angle of the plates, plate spacing, and the settling velocity of particles in the wastewater.

Then use the required effective settling area to calculate the total plate area and determine the number of plates needed for the clarifier. We will go into more details on how to calculate the plate area and number of plates later in this blog.

Next, Calculate the hydraulic loading rate (HLR) by dividing the average flow rate by the total effective plate area. Make sure the calculated HLR is within acceptable limits to avoid overloading or underloading the clarifier. 

It's recommended to work with experienced engineers or consultants who specialize in wastewater treatment design. They can provide guidance, review your calculations, and ensure that the design flow rate aligns with the clarifier's overall design and the specific characteristics of the wastewater.

Retention Time: Decide on the desired retention time, which is the time wastewater spends in the clarifier for settling. Retention time is influenced by the characteristics of the particles in the wastewater and the desired effluent quality. Typical retention times range from 1 to 3 hours.

The retention time is a crucial parameter in clarifier sizing, as it directly impacts the efficiency of solids removal. The following are ways to determine the appropriate retention time for a slant plate clarifier.

Understand the characteristics of the influent wastewater. This includes the particle size distribution, settling velocity of suspended solids, and other relevant parameters. These factors influence how long particles take to settle.

Determine the level of solids removal you need to achieve in the clarifier. The retention time is closely related to the ability of the clarifier to effectively settle out particles, so your effluent quality goals will play a role in setting the retention time.

The typical retention time for a slant plate clarifier can vary widely depending on the type of wastewater being treated and the desired level of solids removal. However, retention times often fall within the range of 1 to 3 hours.

Use settling velocity data for the suspended particles in the wastewater to estimate how long they will take to settle. This can involve performing sedimentation tests or using data from similar applications. The Stokes' law equation can be useful for estimating settling velocities.

Stokes' law describes the relationship between the viscosity of a fluid, the drag force experienced by a small spherical object moving through the fluid, and the object's velocity. It is often used to estimate the terminal velocity of small particles falling through a viscous fluid. The equation for Stokes' law is:



·        Fd&#; is the drag force experienced by the object (N or dyn).

·        η is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or g/(cm·s)).

·        r is the radius of the spherical object (m or cm).

·        v is the velocity of the object relative to the fluid (m/s or cm/s).

·        π is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 3..


Calculate the total volume of the clarifier by multiplying the average flow rate of the wastewater by the desired retention time. This volume represents the amount of wastewater the clarifier needs to accommodate during the retention time.

Consider the effective settling area provided by the slant plates. The total area influences how many particles can settle in the given time frame.

The hydraulic loading rate (flow rate per unit area) should be appropriate for the chosen retention time. A balance needs to be struck to ensure that the flow rate is not too high for efficient settling.

In some cases, conducting pilot studies or small-scale tests with actual wastewater can help determine the optimal retention time. These tests provide practical data and insights into how the clarifier performs with the actual influent.

Plate Design: The design of the inclined plates plays a significant role in determining the clarifier's capacity. The angle, spacing, and shape of the plates impact the available settling area and how efficiently solids can settle out.

Plate Slope: The plate slope, also known as the plate angle, of a slant plate clarifier refers to the angle at which the inclined plates are positioned within the clarifier. This angle influences the settling performance, the effective surface area, and the overall efficiency of solids separation. The proper selection of the plate slope is important for designing an effective slant plate clarifier.  The following are key considerations for determining the plate slope.

The plate slope is often chosen based on the settling velocity of the particles in the wastewater. Slower-settling particles might require a shallower angle to provide more settling time, while faster-settling particles might work well with a steeper angle.

The design flow rate of the clarifier affects the retention time and settling capacity. The plate slope should be selected to provide an appropriate retention time for particles to settle.

The plate slope can impact the clarity of the clarified water. A steeper angle might allow faster settling but could also increase the risk of carryover or re-suspension of settled solids. A shallower angle might improve effluent quality at the cost of a larger footprint.

Consider the available space for the clarifier. Steeper plate angles might require more height, while shallower angles might need more length to achieve the desired retention time and settling.

Steeper plate angles might induce more turbulence in the flow, which can hinder settling. The plate slope should be selected to minimize turbulence and provide an even flow distribution across the plates.

The plate spacing, or the distance between adjacent plates, is influenced by the plate slope. Steeper angles might require larger plate spacing to prevent clogging and interference between settling particles.

Common plate slopes for slant plate clarifiers typically range from 45 to 60 degrees. Steeper angles might be suitable for applications where particles settle relatively quickly, while shallower angles are preferred when slower-settling particles are present.

Plate Spacing: Decide on the spacing between the plates. This spacing determines the distance through which the particles settle. Smaller spacing can increase the effective settling area but may lead to clogging. Typical plate spacing ranges from 1 to 3 inches.

The plate spacing in a slant plate clarifier refers to the vertical distance between adjacent inclined plates within the clarifier. Proper plate spacing is crucial for effective settling of particles and solids removal from the wastewater.

Consider the size and settling velocity of the particles in the wastewater. Smaller particles with slower settling velocities might require narrower plate spacing to ensure sufficient settling time, while larger particles might need wider spacing.

The angle of inclination of the plates affects the effective settling distance along the plates. Steeper angles might allow particles to settle more quickly, potentially allowing for narrower plate spacing.

The flow rate of the wastewater affects the residence time and settling capacity. The plate spacing should provide enough time for particles to settle within the clarifier.

The plate spacing can impact the quality of the clarified effluent. Proper spacing helps prevent re-suspension of settled solids and ensures that clear water is discharged.

Consider the hydraulic loading rate, which is the flow rate per unit area of the clarifier. The plate spacing should be chosen to accommodate the flow without causing hydraulic overload or poor settling.

The dimensions of the plates, including their length and width, influence the plate spacing. Larger plates might allow for wider spacing, while smaller plates might necessitate closer spacing.

To ensure even distribution of flow and settling across the plates, a slight overlap of settling areas is often considered. This can influence the effective plate spacing.

The plate spacing should be selected to prevent clogging due to suspended solids. If the spacing is too narrow, particles can accumulate between the plates and hinder settling. Proper spacing makes maintenance easier.

Common plate spacings for slant plate clarifiers usually range from 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5 cm). Smaller plate spacing might be suitable for applications with fine particles, while larger spacing might be used for coarser particles. It's important to strike a balance between providing enough settling time and avoiding clogging or interference between plates.

Hydraulic Loading Rate: The hydraulic loading rate (HLR) is a crucial parameter in the operation of various water and wastewater treatment processes, including clarifiers like the slant plate clarifier. It represents the rate at which water or wastewater flows through a given unit of area within the treatment system. HLR is typically expressed in units like cubic meters per square meter per hour (m³/m²/h) or gallons per minute per square foot (GPM/ft²).

In the context of a slant plate clarifier, the hydraulic loading rate is the rate at which influent wastewater is introduced into the clarifier per unit of the clarifier's effective settling area. A properly designed HLR ensures that the clarifier can effectively treat the influent, allowing sufficient time for particles to settle and achieve the desired level of solids removal.

Here's how hydraulic loading rate affects the operation of a slant plate clarifier:

If the hydraulic loading rate is too low, the clarifier might not be operating at its optimal capacity. This can result in inadequate use of the available settling area and may lead to inefficient solids removal. Underloading can also result in the accumulation of solids in the clarifier, reducing its performance.

If the hydraulic loading rate is too high, the flow of influent through the clarifier becomes too rapid for effective settling. This can lead to poor settling of suspended solids and particles, resulting in carryover of solids in the effluent. Overloading can also cause turbulence and hinder the settling process.

Designing the hydraulic loading rate within an appropriate range ensures that the clarifier achieves effective solids separation. The balanced loading allows sufficient time for particles to settle, promoting efficient solids removal and producing a clearer effluent.

The appropriate hydraulic loading rate for a slant plate clarifier depends on various factors, including the characteristics of the wastewater, the design of the clarifier, the angle of the plates, the spacing between plates, and the desired effluent quality. It's important to consider these factors in conjunction with one another to determine a hydraulic loading rate that ensures effective treatment.

Solids Concentration: The concentration of solids in the influent water can impact the clarifier's capacity. Higher solids concentrations might reduce the effective flow rate the clarifier can handle.

The solids concentration in a slant plate clarifier, like in other sedimentation processes, refers to the amount of suspended solid particles present in the liquid being treated. Slant plate clarifiers are a type of sedimentation equipment used to separate solids from liquids by allowing gravity to settle the solid particles out of the liquid phase.

The solids concentration in a slant plate clarifier can vary depending on several factors including influent characteristics, retention time, plate design, flow rate, and coagulants and flocculants.

· The initial concentration of solids in the influent (the liquid entering the clarifier) will significantly impact the solids concentration in the clarifier. Higher initial solids concentration in the influent will lead to a higher solids concentration in the settled sludge.

· The time that the influent spends within the clarifier affects the separation efficiency. Longer retention times allow more solid particles to settle, resulting in a higher solids concentration in the clarified effluent.

· The design of the slant plates, including their angle, spacing, and surface area, will influence the sedimentation process. Proper design can enhance settling and increase solids removal, leading to a higher solids concentration in the settled sludge.

· The rate at which influent flows through the clarifier also plays a role. Higher flow rates might reduce the settling time and consequently result in a lower solids concentration in the settled sludge.

· The use of coagulants and flocculants can aid in aggregating smaller solid particles into larger flocs, which settle more readily. This can affect the solids concentration in the clarified effluent and the settled sludge.

The solids concentration in the settled sludge or the clarified effluent can be measured through laboratory analysis methods, such as gravimetric analysis or turbidity measurements.

Sludge Removal Mechanism: Some clarifiers have automated mechanisms for removing settled sludge, allowing for continuous operation. The efficiency of the sludge removal process can affect the clarifier's overall capacity.

In a slant plate clarifier, the sludge removal mechanism is based on the principle of sedimentation, where solid particles settle out of a liquid due to the force of gravity. Slant plate clarifiers are designed to enhance this settling process by providing an inclined surface for the settled particles to slide down and collect in a hopper or collection area at the bottom of the clarifier.  The following steps detail the process of how a sludge removal mechanism works in a slant plate clarifier.

1.      Wastewater containing suspended solid particles enters the slant plate clarifier.

2.      Once inside the clarifier, the influent slows down due to reduced flow velocity. This allows gravity to act on the solid particles, causing them to settle towards the bottom of the clarifier.

3.      Slant plates, as the name suggests, are inclined plates placed within the clarifier. These plates provide a larger settling surface area compared to a traditional flat-bottom clarifier. The inclined surface encourages the settled particles to slide down the plates due to gravity.

For more lamella inclined plate settlerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

4.      As the settled particles slide down the slant plates, they collect at the bottom of the clarifier in a sludge hopper or collection area. This concentrated sludge is then periodically removed from the hopper to prevent buildup and maintain efficient clarifier operation.

5.      The clarified liquid, with reduced solids content, exits the clarifier through an effluent outlet located at the top of the clarifier.

6.      The collected sludge in the hopper is periodically removed either by gravity discharge, mechanical scraping mechanisms, or pumping. The frequency of sludge removal depends on the clarifier's design, the rate of sludge accumulation, and operational considerations.

The inclined plates in a slant plate clarifier enhance the settling process by providing a longer path for particles to settle and increasing the effective surface area for collection. This design can lead to more efficient separation of solids from the liquid phase.

Particle Characteristics: The particle characteristics in a slant plate clarifier refer to the physical properties of the solid particles suspended in the liquid that is being treated. These characteristics play a crucial role in the sedimentation and separation process within the clarifier. The size, shape, density, concentration, and nature of the particles being separated influence the clarifier's efficiency and capacity.

The size of suspended particles greatly influences their settling behavior. Larger particles tend to settle more quickly than smaller ones due to their greater mass and gravity's stronger effect. Particle size distribution in the influent affects how efficiently particles will settle on the slant plates.

The shape of particles can affect their settling velocity. Irregularly shaped particles might experience higher drag forces in the liquid, which could slow down their settling. In contrast, spherical or well-rounded particles tend to settle more easily.

Particle density, both absolute and relative to the surrounding liquid, impacts settling. Particles with higher density than the liquid will tend to settle faster. However, if the density difference is too large, particles might experience hindered settling due to buoyancy effects.

The initial concentration of suspended particles in the influent can influence the settling process. Higher initial particle concentrations can lead to higher sludge accumulation rates and might affect the efficiency of the clarifier.

The tendency of particles to aggregate or form flocs can impact settling behavior. Aggregated particles are larger and settle faster, improving sedimentation. Coagulants and flocculants are often used to encourage particle aggregation.

The surface properties of particles, such as charge and hydrophobicity, can affect their interactions with other particles and the surrounding liquid. These interactions can influence how particles come together to form flocs and settle.

Rise velocity is the speed at which particles move upward within the liquid due to buoyancy effects. It's particularly relevant in cases where particles are less dense than the liquid, causing them to rise instead of settle.

High shear forces and turbulence in the influent can hinder the settling process by preventing particles from settling properly on the slant plates. The design of the slant plate clarifier aims to minimize these effects.

Understanding these particle characteristics helps in operating a slant plate clarifier effectively.

Safety Factors: Apply safety factors to your calculations to account for uncertainties and variations in the wastewater characteristics. This helps ensure the clarifier's performance under various conditions.

Projected vs Actual Surface Area

The projected surface area and the actual surface area of a slant plate clarifier are terms used to describe different aspects of the clarifier's design and operation, specifically related to its inclined plates and their settling efficiency.

Projected Surface Area: The projected surface area of a slant plate clarifier refers to the visible surface area of the inclined plates when viewed from above. It is calculated based on the dimensions and arrangement of the plates in the clarifier. This measurement takes into account the arrangement of plates and their positioning to estimate the total area available for solids to settle out.

First, determine the effective area per plate.  Calculate the effective settling area per plate by considering the horizontal projection of the plate. This area is the area through which particles settle as they slide down the inclined plates. The formula for the effective plate area (plate area A) is:

Plate Area (A) = Length of Plate (L) × Width of Plate (W)

Next, multiply the effective area per plate by the total number of plates in the clarifier to find the total effective plate area. This area represents the cumulative settling area provided by all the plates.

Total Effective Plate Area = Plate Area (A) × Number of Plates

Since plates are often spaced close together, there is an overlapping effect where the settling area of one plate partially overlaps with the adjacent plate. To account for this, you can use an overlap factor (usually between 1.2 to 1.5) and adjust the total effective plate area.

Adjusted Total Plate Area = Total Effective Plate Area × Overlap Factor

The effective settling area is projected horizontally, but in the slant plate clarifier, it is inclined at an angle. To convert the effective settling area to the projected area (horizontal area), you need to divide the effective settling area by the sin of the plate angle (θ). This accounts for the inclination of the plates.

Projected Plate Surface Area = Adjusted Total Plate Area / sin(θ)

Remember that this calculation provides an estimate of the projected surface area based on the assumption of uniform spacing between plates. In reality, some overlapping of settling areas might occur due to the arrangement of plates, which could affect the effective projected area. Additionally, variations in plate spacing and design considerations can impact the clarifier's actual performance.

Actual Surface Area: The actual surface area of a slant plate clarifier refers to the real, effective surface area of the inclined plates that actively contribute to the solids separation process. This area accounts for the portions of the plates that are directly in contact with the liquid and solids, allowing for settling. It takes into consideration factors such as plate overlap, plate spacing, and the angle of inclination.

Calculating the actual surface area of a slant plate clarifier involves considering the inclined plates' geometry, spacing, and the number of plates. The actual surface area is important for determining the hydraulic loading rate and other design parameters. Here's how to calculate the actual surface area of a slant plate clarifier:

Gather information about the dimensions of a single plate in the slant plate clarifier. You'll need the length (L) and width (W) of a plate.

Determine the angle of inclination (θ) of the plates. This is the angle formed between the inclined plate and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured from the base of the plate to the top edge.

Determine the spacing between the plates. This is the vertical distance between the bottom edge of one plate and the top edge of the plate below it. The spacing is critical for calculating the effective settling area.

The effective width (Weff) of a plate is the portion of the plate's width that contributes to settling. It's determined by the plate spacing and the sine of the plate angle. The formula to calculate effective width is:

Weff = W * sin(θ) / Plate Spacing

The effective length (Leff) of a plate is the portion of the plate's length that contributes to settling. It's determined by the plate spacing and the sine of the plate angle. The formula to calculate effective length is:

Leff = L * sin(θ) / Plate Spacing

The effective surface area (effective A) of a single plate is the product of its effective length and effective width:

Effective (A)= Leff * Weff

To calculate the total effective surface area for all the plates in the clarifier, multiply the effective surface area of a single plate by the total number of plates:

Total Effective Surface Area = effective (A) * Number of Plates

Depending on the design and arrangement of plates, you might need to adjust the total effective surface area by applying an overlap factor. This factor accounts for the overlapping of settling areas between plates.

The effective settling area is projected onto a horizontal plane. To convert it to the actual surface area (vertical projection), divide the total effective surface area by the cosine of the plate angle:

Actual Surface Area = Total Effective Surface Area / cos(θ)

It's important to note that the calculation involves making assumptions about uniform plate spacing and the effects of overlapping.

The difference between the projected and actual surface areas lies in the fact that the projected area might overestimate the actual area available for settling due to factors like plate overlap or the angle of inclination. The actual surface area is the more relevant measurement when assessing the clarifier's capacity and its ability to effectively separate solids from the liquid.

The clarification efficiency of a slant plate clarifier depends on the actual surface area, as this is the area where settling occurs. The projected surface area, while useful for initial design considerations, doesn't accurately represent the area where solids are effectively separated.

When evaluating a slant plate clarifier, it's important to consider the actual surface area to ensure that the clarifier can handle the intended flow rate and achieve the desired level of solids separation.

Call J.Mark Systems Today

Are you looking into a high-quality slant plate clarifier for your wastewater treatment? Look no further. J.Mark Systems has precisely what you need. Our systems come with every specification we recommended in this blog, which comes from years of experience providing high-quality water filtration systems for your industrial water supply.

We&#;ll walk you through every step of the process and get you the perfect slant
plate clarifier for your system; from performing a water optimization audit to installing and monitoring your system. Contact J.Mark Systems today to get started or for more information. 

Inclined Plate Settler Rules of Thumb

Inclined Plate Settlers are used in the sedimentation process of both water treatment and wastewater treatment plants. In this process there are two popular styles used, tube settlers and inclined plate settlers. Both of these styles use the same theory to accomplish the goal of removing suspended particles that are heavier than water by gravity settling. Inclined Plate Settlers are becoming one of the most popular pieces of equipment used in sedimentation process due to their efficiency and small space requirements. What even are plate settlers, why would a plant use them, how would you get the most out of a plate settler? These are some common questions about plate settlers and are the backbone of plate settler rules of thumb.

Inclined Plate Settler Rules of Thumb: The Why

Over the last decade Plate Settler equipment has become the &#;go-to&#; for high rate sedimentation basins. The rate of adoption of this technology is surprising, but due to sound reasons. Reasons for the short timeline associated with this advancement are:

  1. The fact that Plate Settlers can process large amounts of water in a very small footprint. This is key since many plants have urban sprawl growing up around them and land is scarce.

  2. Plate Settlers are very reliable when it comes to reducing turbidity and handling turbidity spikes in incoming water.

  3. Plate Settlers are quite effective with pin-floc (very fine particles that have poor settling characteristics) which can sometimes result in carry-over and high turbidity.

Municipalities see the Plate Settler as a wise investment due to their reliability. The Plate Settler is made of 100% stainless steel and has no moving parts, and requires no power, yielding a low life cycle cost. The only maintenance requirement for this equipment is a wash-down two or three times per year. Low life cycle cost, and performance reliability general outweigh the initial cost of Plate Settlers.

Existing plants often need to increase their capacity to handle future population growth, but are short on land. The Plate Settler is a tool that will work with their existing infrastructure (existing basins) to accomplish this. Older plants have large sedimentation basins that were designed for a four hour detention time. Plate settlers can be retrofitted into these locations to dramatically increase their capacity. In many cases the plant will choose to upgrade their filtration as well.

Inclined Plate Settler Rules of Thumb: The How

The &#;How&#; of getting the most out of Plate Settlers revolves around best principles used in the design of the system. Proper design is critical to optimize capacity and performance. Key variables are:

  • Application rate applied to the projected horizontal surface area. This is expressed in gallons/minute/ft2 and will run in the range of 0.2-0.5 with the standard being 0.3 g/min/ft2. The 10 States Standards sets the efficiency rate at 80%; however this can range to 90 or even 100%. These two variables taken together set the velocity of water going up through each plate. Gravity acts against the particles in the upward flowing water to cause settling.

  • The length to width ratio is also critical. Generally basins are designed for 2:1 or 3:1, length:width ratio. Existing basins may vary from this somewhat and accommodation can be made for other combinations.

  • Side water depth should range from 14-17 feet, with 16 being common in newly constructed systems. For existing systems that do not have that great of side water depth, shorter plates can be used.

  • The space under the plates cannot be overlooked. This is known as the sludge blanket zone and should not extend into the plate area interfering with the settling process. Generally about 6 feet is needed in this area for a mid- sized plant of 5-100 mgd.

  • Velocity of the water across the basin. This variable and its relationship to performance are currently being studied.

Inclined Plate Settler Rules of Thumb: The What

After a properly designed system is in place, the &#;What&#; that we should do to optimize the system for best long-term performance is centered around optimizing flocculation. This includes choosing the best chemical flocculent and feed strategy. Incoming turbidity may vary from day to day including times after a storm when the plant could see incoming turbidity spikes. Optimization of chemical use for each situation will involve additive suppliers, and a lot of data generated at the plant level and correlated for trends. Data trends for influent turbidity, chemical feed, and effluent turbidity can often tell the story. One example of this is a local plant whose chemical feed strategy was to feed enough chemical to produce the lowest turbidity. What they found after additional experience was that lower turbidities did not mean longer times between membrane backwash cycles. They were able to cut back on the chemical feed and save significant dollars without affecting overall plant performance.

Plate Settlers are here to stay, and more and more surface water plants are installing them each day. Getting the most out of this equipment relies on starting with the best design and optimizing system variables such as chemical addition. Suppliers can play a key role in each process and are willing to act as a member of the team to ensure best results.

Kerry Dissinger has been employed by JMS for the last 10 years, and currently holds the position of Vice President. Prior to receiving a BS degree in Electro Mechanical Engineering, Kerry served for 3 years as a US Army Paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. He also served 6 years in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Kerry&#;s nearly 20 years of experience in the water and wastewater industry includes 10 years at Brentwood Industries where he was mentored by the esteemed Dr. McDowell. With his strong background in the water and wastewater process, particularly sedimentation, he is focused on continued growth and innovation, holding several active patents for JMS products. One of Kerry&#;s favorite sayings is: It&#;s not about ideas; it&#;s about making ideas happen.

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