Shop for Slant Bed CNC Horizontal Turning Centers

06 Aug.,2024


Shop for Slant Bed CNC Horizontal Turning Centers

The Kent CNC Horizontal Turning Centers

Our broad range of horizontal turning centers offers a variety of bore sizes, bed lengths, and optional features. From basic 2-axis turning to sub-spindle and live turret turning models, there is a Kent CNC turning center to meet your needs. For even larger and more complex jobs, check out our Large Bore, Heavy Duty, 5 Bed Way Extra Long, 5-Axis Milling Turning, and Double Turret Series.

For more information, please visit BH.

Turning Center Functions

A CNC lathe can perform many tasks but a turning center is capable of much more such as:

1. Facing. Removing the metal from the end of a workpiece (typically cylindrical) which produces a flat surface.
2. Threading. This is the process of making a screw thread used to fasten or connect items.
3. Knurling. A process of machining a pattern of angled or crossed lines rolled into the workpiece. A finished knurled piece allows hands to get a better grip on the object.
4. Drilling. Most often, drilling holes in a workpiece will need to be done on the lathe before other tasks can be completed, such as tapping, boring or reaming. It&#;s always best to spot or center-punch the area to be drilled so that the drilling will be correctly aligned.
5. Boring. This enlarges the hole in the workpiece that was already drilled, achieving greater accuracy of the diameter of the hole.
6. Reaming. Drilled holes in the workpiece are often not accurate (straight and cylindrical). Reaming finishes and sizes the drilled holes with a high degree of accuracy.
7. Taper Turning. A taper is a uniform change in the shape of a cylinder&#;s diameter when measured along its axis. It is created by angling the workpiece and cutting tool relative to each other as the tool travels along the workpiece surface, cutting deeper or shallower, thus creating a tapered surface.

15 Features of Best CNC Machines For Small Businesses

Which CNC Machine Should I Get for My Small Business?

I won&#;t recommend any specific brand to you. It is not about any particular brand or machine. Instead, it is about choosing machines that meet your requirements. The machine won&#;t deliver the desired performance if you don&#;t consider your requirements.

It is more about your needed features and performance than choosing a reputable brand. Therefore, I will give you some of the must-have features of the machines.  By knowing these characteristics, you&#;ll be able to identify the ideal machine that fits your budget. Note that we won&#;t discuss any brands, etc.

1. Generous Work Area

Each CNC machine comes with a specific work area. The tools and components of machines can move in that area. CNC machines with smaller work areas are very limited in terms of performance. Their production scale is generally lower. You&#;ll have to adjust the workpiece again and again during work.

On the flip side, machines with substantial work areas are considered ideal. They can work with bigger workpieces with ease. Moreover, they are very versatile. You&#;ll be able to work on more minor and extensive materials.

As you know, small businesses usually work with small parts. They work with large workpieces once a month. However, machines with generous work areas easily meet the requirements, whether you work on small or large workpieces. Therefore, machines with ample work areas must be chosen for small businesses.

2. Automated Tool Changers

For businesses of all types, efficiency and quick production are always priorities. The CNC machines with automatic tool changers (ATCs) are very efficient. You won&#;t have to change the tools manually. Instead, you&#;ll have the tool ready to work with your instructions.

In manual machines, the operator has to change the tools by hand. This takes a lot of time and kills the efficiency. However, with automated tools changer features, you won&#;t have to change tools if a different output is required. So, you&#;ll get a quick turnaround with excellent precision.

It is noteworthy that changing tools by hand is not straightforward. The operator can make mistakes when the tool changes. Moreover, wear and tear are expected when the operator changes tools continuously. Therefore, you must choose machines with ATCs as a small business owner.

3. High-Torque Stepper Motors

Different electric motors are usually used in CNC machines. However, stepper motors are considered more efficient and precise. They move in steps after receiving a signal from the control unit. Therefore, it gives you more control and 100% precision.

Keep in mind that these stepper motors are very reliable. So, they don&#;t require regular maintenance. High-torque motors can work with any size of the workpiece. Above these motors are cost-effective which makes them ideal options for small businesses.

4. Reliable CNC Control Software

Software plays an integral role in CNC machines. Everything depends on software, from design formation to coded instructions and control. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the reliability of the software. Different types of CNC control systems are available. View the different types of CNC control systems here.

Some are open loops, and others are closed loops. Moreover, these control software and systems also control cutting tool movement. So, you should always consider this on the priority list when choosing a CNC machine for small manufacturers.

5. Fast Spindle Speeds

Smooth cuts and finishes are always required in metalworking. A smooth finish gives the material a pleasing appearance. The fast spindle movement can help achieve such excellent finishing. Remember that the spindle is the component of the CNC machine that holds the cutting tools.

When the spindle moves faster, the cutting tools also move and cut the workpiece faster. As a result, you will get more smoother cuts on the workpiece. Those machines that have moderate spinal movement give rough finishing. Therefore, someone with a small business should always prefer a machine with a fast spindle speed.

6. Comprehensive Tutorials

This is one of the most overlooked aspects people don&#;t heed. No one bothers to get some basic tutorials or guides for operating the machines. As a result, during operation, the operator mishandles the machines. Ultimately, the machine starts to malfunction, putting your money at risk.

Someone just starting a new business cannot afford to damage the machine. Therefore, machines with proper guidance and tutorials should be preferred. In this way, you&#;ll be able to understand the features and operations of the machines. As a result, you&#;ll be able to operate it with ease.

Quick Tip: Ask about the tutorial or demo whenever you buy a machine. You should reject the machine if the manufacturer does not offer any guidance or tutorial. Generally, reputable brands care about the customers and give detailed tutorials on the machines.

7. Software Compatibility

As you know, the software is the heart of CNC machines. They are responsible for converting the design into machine-readable code. No matter how advanced a CNC machine is, it can hurt productivity. It can create issues if it&#;s incompatible with your software. Generally, CNC machines are compatible with industry-standard software.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit cnc horizontal turning centers.

Before buying a machine, ask the manufacturer about compatibility. This will help you select a product that works efficiently with the available system. It is key to note that this issue is rare. The machines are usually compatible with all industry-standard software, such as CAM. However, you should check for peace of mind.

8. Powerful Motor

The motor&#;s power also matters when you choose the CNC machine for small manufacturers. Those machines with weak motors are not efficient, and vice versa. As a business owner, you&#;ll have to work on different types of workpieces. Some of those will be softer, while others are hard.

To cut and shape the complex workpiece, the motor of the CNC machine must be strong enough. Otherwise, you won&#;t be able to complete the cutting process quickly. Using a machine with a weak motor to cut rigid material can put a load on the machine. As a result, the machine can get damaged. Therefore, you should choose a machine with a powerful motor.

9- Essential Safety Features

Safety should always be the priority whether you need a machine for a small or large business. It won&#;t be wise to save some bucks and compromise on safety. The CNC machine you choose must have an emergency stop button. Apart from this, an automatic operation system should also be active.

Some CNC machines also come with protection or cover near the cutting tools. It would be best to prioritize such machines. You can shut the machine immediately with the emergency button if anything accidental happens. Some modern machines automatically shut down when they notice something unexpected.

10. Effective Dust Collection

Do you know that most machines get damaged by dust and debris? During machining, dust, debris, and other wood chips enter the machine&#;s work area and remain there for an extended duration. As a result, the machine starts to malfunction.

However, a small business owner should choose a machine with a dust collection system. This system collects dust, debris, and woody trash in one place. When you complete the task, you can easily remove those particles. This ensures that your machine will remain clean and free from dust.

11. Robust Gantry

The gantry is the part of the machine that moves the cutting in different axes. Suppose you want to cut the material on the X-axis; this gantry part will move the cutting tools to that axis. This is one of the most critical components when making complex shapes.

It is right to say that machines with low-quality gantries are not durable. Wear and tear is more common. Moreover, the cutting performance of tools also goes down as well. Therefore, it is vital to choose machines with top-notch and robust gantries. This will make your investment safe.

12. Pre-assembled Components

It is a myth that buying a machine with unassembled components is more cost-effective. You should never make the mistake of purchasing such machines. You will indeed get an unassembled machine at a lower price. But, when you assemble the machine, the chances of mistakes are high.

Due to those mistakes, the machines won&#;t perform well. Moreover, you&#;ll have to hire a third party to handle the assembly of the machines. They also charge and probably assemble the machines with some errors. This way, you&#;ll pay more and still get a machine with an incorrect assembly.

Therefore, you should prefer pre-assembled machines. The official machine manufacturers can better understand the components and fit them accurately. Pre-assembled machines offer better performance and a long life. Every small business should never make the mistake of choosing a machine with just components.

13. Offline Controller

Two types of controllers come in CNC machines. The first is digital control that works only with machines tethered to computers. However, the offline controller can also work without attachment to the computer. You can feed the instruction manual and get the job done.

An offline controller won&#;t affect your work even if the computer has issues. Moreover, offline controllers in CNC machines give you more control over the operations. You&#;ll be able to do things without using a computer. This makes the machine easy for non-professional or beginner operators.

14. User-Friendly Interface

Imagine yourself with a machine with a complex interface. How will you determine the controls, especially if you are new to CNC machines? It would take time to adjust and understand the interface. Moreover, machines with complex interfaces are prone to technical issues.

They seem more sophisticated, but their practicality and performance are never at the top. The operator takes more time to operate the machine, which is a big hassle. But I suggest you choose a more practical machine that is easy to operate. It will ensure that you&#;ll have a smooth machining experience.

Quick Tip: Initially, small businesses should focus on ease of work rather than complexity. However, once you get some experience, you can switch to more advanced machines with complex user interfaces.

15. Cost-effectiveness & Affordability

Generally, small businesses have tight budgets. It won&#;t be wrong to say that budget is their primary decision-making or breaking factor. Therefore, choosing a machine based on a specific budget is paramount. CNC machines are usually costly and require a large budget.

Moreover, their additional features add more cost to those machines. It is essential to strike a balance between features and pricing. You should choose affordable machines that offer the features needed for functionality.

For the modern user interface, it adds more cost to the machine. However, this feature is not needed for functionality. Therefore, you should skip this feature and look for those that make the machine function. Sellers will make you buy expensive machines. They do this by giving the machines luxurious and premium features and functions

Quick Tip: You should focus on performance and practicality. Don&#;t get fooled by knowing about the fancy features. The sellers aim to sell you an expensive machine to make more profit. You should be focused on choosing inexpensive ones with optimal practicality and performance.

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