Noise Control Products: Types, Uses, Features and Benefits

15 Jul.,2024


Noise Control Products: Types, Uses, Features and Benefits

Noise Control Products

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This article takes an in depth look at industrial noise control products.

In this article you will learn more about topics such as:

  • What is noise pollution
  • Industrial noise
  • Industrial noise control products
  • Industrial acoustic barriers
  • And much more

Chapter 1: Noise Pollution

&#;Any surplus and gratuitous sound that exceeds the optimum level of 85dB and affects the physical and mental health of living beings is termed as noise pollution&#;.

Noise pollution is one of the types of environmental pollution that not only affects the physical health of living beings but also their mental health. Any particulate matter that is present in the environment for a longer period of time and disturbing the natural balance of the earth is creating pollution. Centuries ago there was only air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution but nowadays, the modern world faces a dangerous type of pollution: noise pollution. Noise pollution could be anything that we hear in our everyday life, from household chores to industrial noise. According to The World Health Organization a person who is exposed to a constant noise above 85dB for approximately 8 hours is having serious health issues.

We hear many kinds of noise pollution in our daily lives but do not consider them as pollution. These are:

  • Street noise such as vehicles, children playing and shouting, ambulances, vendors etc.
  • Construction noises, constant sounds of drilling, cutting, or any other heavy machinery working is also a noise pollution
  • Household chores such as vacuuming, fans, coolers, washing machines, other appliances and lawnmowers.
  • Loud music, speakers used in any event etc.
  • Industrial noises such as compressors, mills, fans, generators.
  • Gun fires, fireworks, and crackers
  • Common work spaces anywhere also have noise pollution
  • Airport and train station noises.

These are the noises we hear mostly in our daily lives and never thought of as noise pollution.

Types of Noise Pollution

There are two primary types of noise pollution. One is man-made and the other is environmental.

Environmental Noise

Environmental noise pollution is caused by living organisms or environmental factors. It could be the mating voices of many animals, reptiles, and birds or could be the voice of thunderstorms.

Man-Made Noise

Man-made noises are of many kinds and many factors are involved in it. The types of noises that are made by the activities of human beings are termed as man-made noises. These are:

Poor Urban Planning

Poor urban planning is the main reason for man-made noise pollution. The population of the world is growing exponentially, and the space for their living is quite less comparatively. Large numbers of people are sharing the same spaces, and their needs for living create noise sometimes. They often share the same parking lots, which also causes fights sometimes. Other than these, residential areas are in the vicinity of industrial areas, and the noises coming from industries are creating huge problems for the people living there.

Household Chores

When a large number of people live in the same area then obviously there will be a lot of noise of household chores from every house such as cleaning, dishwashing, mowing, appliances and many more.

Traffic Noise

There is a lot of traffic noise whether it&#;s on the roads or in the air. Air traffic also creates noise pollution other than cars, buses, and ambulances.

Social Events

Any social event that is organized in residential areas creates noise pollution. Fireworks, crackers, gun fires, and also loud music creates nuisance for the people living in that area.

Construction Works

The noise of construction work like drilling, cutting and use of heavy machinery is also a man-made noise pollution. We need construction every other day, and that not only causes hearing problems for the workers but also for the people nearby.


We live in the age of industry, and the noise coming from industries are too loud and unbearable for common people. The workers also suffer from several diseases if they do not follow sops. The noise of fans, generators, compressors, and grinding mills promotes noise pollution.

Animal Sounds

Animal sounds sometimes reach an unbearable level if they are present in residential areas. Their mating sounds, dogs barking, and howling can reach up to 80-85dB and are too difficult to cope with.

Yard Work Sounds

In suburban areas, the worst type of noise pollution is from gas powered leaf blowers with no noise abatement components. Additionally, lawnmowers are another yard tool that creates noise pollution especially if the mower is poorly tuned or its muffler is broken.

All these man made noises can damage not only the physical health of anyone but also the mental health if not properly taken care of.

Fatal Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can be very dangerous for human health and life if not given attention to. As discussed earlier, constant exposure to noise leads to many health issues such as hearing problems, cardiovascular diseases, behavioral and cognitive issues, sleeping disorders, physical problems, and psychological issues in human beings. A high pitched voice if constantly heard, can damage our eardrums. Our eardrums are too sensitive and cannot bear loud voices. It can rupture, causing permanent hearing loss, and possibly balance difficulties.

Noise pollution can increase the risk of hypertension, heart attacks, stress, anxiety and agitation, headaches and respiratory issues in people exposed to noise pollution regularly. Sleep disorder is very common in such people, as they cannot focus on their routine matters and loud noises, unable them to sleep properly, which can lead to serious psychological and physical dysfunction.

Human beings, wildlife, and marine life also get disturbed due to this noise pollution. Due to our use of high level technology in our industries and our routine life wildlife gets disturbed to carry out their normal functions such as their mating process, building homes, or food collection. Most marine mammals use echolocation for finding their mates or locating food in the water but due to supersonic submarines and ships, a disturbance in their functions is observed. Hence it is very necessary to control noise pollution for the well being of humans as well as wild and marine life.

Chapter 2: Industrial Noise

We are living in the age of rapid growth, and rely on lots of industries. We have technical ways to produce anything, whether it&#;s our food on the table or our clothes. The roads we drive on or the houses that we live in. Each and every product of our living necessity is manufactured in industry. This dependence on the industry has facilitated us a lot and also plays a pivotal role in damaging our ecosystem and life on earth. These industries pollute our environment in many ways. These emit toxic gases and fumes directly into the air polluting our air quality, making it unfit for living beings to survive. And also these industries release their toxic water into our rivers and lakes, which go to the oceans.

Not only the air and water pollution, these industries are responsible for noise pollution also. Some industries are also responsible for radioactive and thermal pollution, which is way more hazardous than any other type of pollution. This noise pollution is affecting the workers to a dangerous level. Constant exposure to this industrial noise is the cause of hearing loss and permanent damage to their hearing abilities. Our eardrum is too sensitive for noise levels, so eardrums can rupture easily if we hear a constant high pitched voice for a longer period of time.

Other than hearing damage, this industrial noise pollution causes many other mental and physical problems in the workers of the industry and the people living near the industrial zone. Noise pollution can cause high levels of stress and anxiety in a person. Cardiovascular diseases are observed along with many psychological and behavioral changes that may lead to an exposed person&#;s death.

Steps to Control Industrial Noise Pollution

In this modern era everyone is well aware of the adverse effects of noise pollution, especially industrial noise pollution. WHO also agreed to start different campaigns across the world to mitigate the effects of noise pollution. There are certain ways to control industrial noise pollution, and some of them are discussed below:

  • To establish proper rules and regulations with all the corrective and preventive measures.
  • There should be a necessary separation between industrial and residential zones.
  • Heavy fines should be imposed on the industries that do not combat this noise pollution.
  • Government should advise the industries to use sound proof materials in their industrial zone.
  • There should be more plantations near industrial zones, as trees can absorb the excess noise efficiently.
  • Noise control devices should be used in heavy machinery.
  • Homes, schools, and hospitals should be constructed with noise proof materials.
  • New technologies for industrial noise control should be properly installed in every industry.
  • The workers of the industry should wear proper earplugs during working hours.
  • Try different methods like dampening and double fans installation in the industrial zone to reduce industrial noise.
  • New campaigns and technologies regarding noise control should be introduced in the country every now and then.

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    Chapter 3: Industrial Noise Control Products

    One of the biggest challenges industries face is to reduce their noise pollution and increase their productivity. Keeping an acceptable level of noise is really important for the mental and physical health of the employees. There are many methods and products to control industrial noise pollution such as dampening, installing double fans, and using sound absorbing materials in machines, wall panels, ceiling tiles, enclosures, barriers, etc. Industrial noise can be inside or outside of the industry and should be controlled by soundproofing products. There are many types of soundproofing products that are best fit for any kind of factory, hypoallergenic and are easy to maintain. They are made up of special materials like:

    • Polypropylene
    • Vinyl
    • Cotton fiber composite
    • Cellulose

    The industrial noise control products are of many kinds and are discussed below one by one.

    Industrial Acoustic Barriers

    Acoustic high quality barriers give high performance in reducing noise pollution to an optimum level. Acoustic barriers are more durable and easy to install rather than any other noise controlling product. Industrial sectors where acoustic barriers are used are:

    • Transport
    • Mechanical plants
    • Sporting facilities
    • Utilities
    • Data storage and distribution

    Absorptive Free Standing Barrier (type FS and SFS)

    Absorptive free standing barrier is a type of acoustic barrier, which is lighter in weight and easy to install anywhere. Following are its characteristics:

    • One or both of its sides are sound absorptive.
    • A noticeable noise reduction, laboratory tested and proven.
    • Exceptional sound absorptive capabilities that can reduce sound reflection.
    • It is tough, heat resistant and is made up of steel or aluminum.
    • It can withstand extreme wind loads and is weather resistant.
    • Very light weighted, durable, low maintenance and easy to install.
    • Aesthetically pleasant, can be made in any color to match with the industry surroundings.
    • Coating is of polyester powder or vinyl steel also available on customer demand.

    Reflective Acoustic Cladding Panels (Types C, C12 and C38)

    Reflective acoustic cladding panels are usually a cost effective solution in mitigating the reflected sound effects in an industry. They are attached to already existing walls or barriers of the designated place. The benefits and characteristics these panels can give are as follows:

    • Reflective acoustic cladding panels are durable, low maintenance, and easy to install.
    • They provide excellent performance in reducing noise pollution, which is also proven in laboratory testing.
    • These panels offer great versatility in their function and performance.
    • They help reduce the reflected sound pollution of the area.

    Louvered Screens

    These acoustic louvered screens are used in the areas where there is ventilation required for the cooling or exhaust process in mechanical plants. They are available in stylish screens also which will look aesthetically pleasing. They are specifically required in places where proper air ventilation is required. Following are the characteristics of louvred screens:

    • Specially designed for mechanical plants.
    • Tested in the laboratory and proven to minimize noise pollution to the optimum level.
    • Can be made according to any height or length.
    • Galvanization of polyester powder coating, vinyl coating, mild steel, or aluminum.

    Acoustic Enclosures

    In industry production sites, there is a lot of resonance and reflection of sound, which becomes difficult to handle and work in such a noisy environment. For this purpose, acoustic enclosures are there to help. These enclosures reduce industrial noise pollution with the help of a metal case that is formed outside the machinery. This reduces the noise and helps in smooth working. The key features of these enclosures are as follows:

    • Can be used for indoor as well as outdoor units.
    • For combustion there is an air inlet drive.
    • From 15dB A to 50dBA+ noise reduction.
    • It has lightning, a firefighters system, and air conditioning.
    • For combustion engines there is an exhaust gas removal.

    Components of Acoustic Enclosures

    • Sound Absorptive Panels: These panels are attached to walls or ceilings as baffles and help negate the machinery&#;s resonance and noise.
    • Acoustic Doors: These acoustic doors help prevent the machinery noise from entering other areas of the industry.
    • Acoustic Windows: These windows help to view the machine working without entering the enclosure. It gives a clear view of the machine working and keeps the noise away.
    • Acoustic Ventilators: These ventilators help the crossing of air and help in cooling the machines while working.

    Finishing of Enclosures

    The acoustic enclosures can be customized in the client's desired material and color. Some common finishes are:

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    • Aluminum
    • Polyester powder coating
    • Galvanized steel
    • Stainless steel
    • Vinyl coated steel
    • Syntha pulvin


    • Compressor enclosures
    • Gas and diesel generator enclosures
    • Personal space enclosures
    • Sliding acoustic covers
    • Soundproof control rooms
    • Test cells

    Acoustic enclosures are designed for all these spaces to provide noise free office space and easily viewed machine control rooms to check the working of machines.

    Acoustic Canopies

    Acoustic canopies are designed so that they can be placed anywhere on the machinery site. It is assembled and just has to be lowered down on the machine. It can be used for both internal and external sites of the industry. It is mostly used for machinery like transformers, compressors, gas turbines, diesel generators, and other machines where proper ventilation is required to cool down the machine.

    Varitone Sound Absorption System

    Varitone sound absorption panels are rectangular and are attached to the walls or hang down the ceiling of an enclosed or semi enclosed area. They are highly compatible in reducing the echo or resonance produced inside any building by dispersing it inside and creating a softer tone to improve audio and visual communication. These varitone panels are made up of perforated steel, and inside their walls there are acoustic absorbents present, making them highly effective to use in areas like schools, sport halls, or music rooms. Additionally these panels can be cleaned easily and thus very useful in food facilities. Varitone absorption panels are finished with galvanized steel and polyester powder coating. Other features are as follows:

    • Efficient noise control product.
    • Stain and abuse resistant
    • Can be washed easily
    • Easy to install
    • Scratch and tamper resistant
    • Can be wall mounted or hung down the ceilings.


    • Schools
    • Auditorium
    • Airports
    • Music practice rooms
    • Conference halls
    • Restaurants
    • Prison cells
    • Gymnasium
    • Test centers
    • Swimming pools

    Soundproofing Curtains and Sound Blankets

    Soundproof curtains and blankets are made up of soundproof materials that are cost effective and easy to install anywhere where required. Industrial sound is blocked and absorbed by these curtains, which are made of fiberglass or foam core, and the outer area is made of aluminum or polyester fabric. These materials are ideal for covering machinery or any outdoor space. If these curtains are required for indoor use, then decorative curtains are made according to the client's demand. The soundproofing blankets are made up of fiberglass used in the core area, whereas the facing is of vinyl or flameproof foil and is usually highly effective in wrapping the external elements of the building. These reduce noise pollution to an optimum level in industries and are offered in many varieties. Some of the types of soundproof curtains and blankets are as follows:

    Eco Barriers

    Eco barriers are industrial sound control product, and its features are as follow:

    • Exceptional sound performance can reduce the noise up to 10-20dB and more if the facing is doubled
    • Easy to handle, lightweight and durable
    • The facing can be doubled or tripled according to the requirement of the industry
    • Weather and fire resistant
    • Can be installed easily
    • Reusable and can be used as indoor and outdoor fencing.

    Absorptive Quilted Curtains

    Quilted curtain is also a type of soundproof curtain that is used for unusual conditions. Other features of the quilted curtain are as follows:

    • Quilted curtains are highly cost effective
    • They are chemical and heat resistant
    • The core is made of quilted fiberglass, the facing is of fiberglass cloth, and the noise barrier is made of vinyl.
    • Its pattern is quilted diamond
    • It is available in two sizes: BSC- 25 curtain which have a quilt on both sides and BBc-13 curtain which is quilted on one side only.
    • It is available in different colors, such as silver is standard facing color, while customized colors can be made black, white, or tan.
    • It is highly effective in controlling noise. And is being used widely in many industries as a noise barrier.
    • Its grommets are available in standard brass, but stainless steel can also be made upon demand.
    • Its flammability is a class A fire rated per ASTM E84

    Exterior Quilted Barrier/Absorber

    An exterior quilted barrier acts both as a noise barrier as well as a sound absorber composite. This absorbing blanket consists of an exterior grade that is UV resistant with quilted fiberglass facing, and it is bonded with an interior vinyl barrier. Its outdoor panels are made with grommets present top to bottom and Velcro seals along the vertical ends. Other specifications are as follows:

    • Quilted glass fiber with vinyl coated polyester facing
    • The quilt facing colors are black, tan ,grey, and white
    • Barrier colors are gray, tan, blue, and olive.
    • It is used typically in areas where longevity, durability, and better noise reduction are required.
    • The standard width of this exterior quilted barrier is 54&#;. While the length could be up to 25&#;
    • Its temperature range is -20°F to +180°F

    Soundproof Interior Doors

    Soundproof interior doors are available for reducing noise pollution in any specific area and not disturbing the entire site. Salient features of soundproof doors are as follows:

    • Soundproof doors are low cost and give high performance.
    • These can be customized to any size and color that is ready to stain.
    • Mostly it is in oak color and can be colored according to the interior, optional are maple, birch, cherry or any other desired wood
    • Standard hardware color is satin chrome while other colors can be made available.
    • Ideal for studios, music rooms, conference rooms or office etc
    • Can reduce the noise pollution effectively

    Soundproof Interior Windows

    Soundproof windows are also available that can efficiently reduce noise pollution. Its characteristics are as follows:

    • They can be installed in variety of environments and projects
    • They are durable and shock resistant
    • They are widely used in military, interrogation rooms, studios, music rooms etc
    • Excellent noise reduction is observed
    • It can be engineered on demand and can be made of any size.
    • Material used in soundproof windows is anodized aluminum frame and frame finishes are of natural aluminum or bronze.
    • Easy to install and handle

    Ceiling Baffles

    Ceiling baffles are the devices that are hung down the ceiling of the building to reduce the resonance or echo produced. The characteristics of ceiling baffles are:

    • Effective and cost effective in negating noise of the area
    • These are the devices hung down the ceiling to absorb any amplified noise and reduce resonance and echo.
    • These baffles are economical and can be installed in areas with low space
    • They work by bouncing off the sound and reducing it in return.
    • Ceiling baffles also provide speech clarity
    • There are two types of ceiling baffles that are poly baffles and quilted fiberglass baffles
    • These are made of fiberglass with sharp edges, and all faces and edges are covered with fabric
    • Standard size is up to 4&#;×10&#;
    • Standard thickness is of 2&#; and 4&#;
    • Edges are of different shapes such as square, bevel, radius, pencil, and miter
    • These ceiling baffles are mostly used in areas where a pleasant look is also required
    • They can be used in the gymnasium, lobbies, receptions, offices, conference rooms, auditorium, theaters, libraries, etc

    Acoustic foams absorb the airborne sound waves and thus reduce noise pollution of the area. Acoustic foams can be applied on the ceiling, doors and walls of the room which helps reduce the sound of low to mid frequency. These acoustic foams are flexible in structure and when a sound wave is entered into its composition, it is absorbed and reduced drastically. Acoustic foams can be found in two shapes, flat shaped or convoluted shape. They can be placed parallel on the surface or in egg crate shape. There are three different types of acoustic foams:

    • Standard Acoustic Foam
    • Aluminized Mylar Foam
    • Convoluted Foam

    Acoustic foams are easy to install, help reduce noise pollution, enhance voice quality, and give a good look to the area. The acoustic foams can be used in offices, gymnasiums, home theaters, manufacturing facilities, churches, schools, corporate offices, and auditoriums.

    Mineral Wool

    Mineral wool is made from inorganic mineral fibers enhanced with glass fibers with a sound transmission class (STC) of 10, which means that it provides a high level of sound reduction and noise control. It is made from several different minerals including polycrystalline and silicate. Mineral wool is made from molten rock that is passed through a stream of air or steam. More advanced processes, spin the molten rock to produce the rock fibers.


    Rockwool is a stone wool insulation able to withstand temperatures of oF with exceptional acoustical dampening properties

    Properties of Rockwool:

    • Easy to cut and shape
    • Non-combustible
    • High sound absorbency
    • Fire-resistant
    • Resists rot and prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria
    • Resistant to water and moisture resistant

    Air Duct Silencers

    Air duct silencers, also known as sound attenuators, are designed to control noise in ducts, building openings, enclosures, and equipment. The various forms of silencers include acoustical silencers, generator and engine silencers, HVAC silencers, and sound traps that reduce sound volume from a factory floor.

    When thin sheets of metal in a duct system expands, it makes popping and banging sounds. Systems can also make noise if they have not been cleaned or are undersized. To suppress the noise, silencers are installed near the source of the noise such as fans, air handling units, air flow regulators, or fire and air dampers.

    Helmholtz Resonator

    Helmholtz resonators are a narrow bandwidth device that targets single frequency anomalies in the RPM range. It is frequency specific and operates in a narrow bandwidth. The helmholtz resonator is a cavity with a wide mouth and thin neck at its diameter.

    The air in the resonator is at a higher pressure that causes it to move out of the resonator leaving low pressure in the resonator. The motion creates an oscillating motion from high to low pressure at a particular frequency, which is the resonant frequency of the helmholtz resonator.

    As air moves past the helmholtz resonator, air is pulled in and pushed out changing its pressure and the sound it produces. They are ideal for treating low frequencies.

    Perforated Tube Silencers

    Perforated tube silencers are referred to as reactive silencers and have a similar structure as the perforated tubes in automobile exhausts. The perforations in the tubes redirect the sound waves and deflect them back toward their source, which reduces their volume. Perforated tube silencers do not have acoustic insulation. They attenuate sound by scattering and deflecting the sound waves.

    One of the benefits of reactive silencers is how easy they are to clean because they do not have fibers and have very little pressure loss. The size of perforated tube silencers makes it possible to install them in high speed machinery, generators, and blowers. They can be used for high, medium and low frequencies.

    Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)

    ANC uses sound to minimize intrusive sounds and is designed to work against by causing it to be canceled. It is used in headphones and computers to suppress the noise from their fans. ANC mirrors the compression and rarefactions of the sound waves with the same volume with the sound waves of the ANC being inverted.

    The process of an ANC causes the two sets of sound waves to combine and create destructive interference to form a neutral soundwave. ANC technology is designed for small noise problems and cannot be scaled for large applications.

    Sound Dampening

    Sound dampening reduces the volume of sound by increasing the distance from the sound, installing dampening structures, and using anti noise devices.

    • Noise Barriers - Noise barriers are structures used to trap sound and keep it from interfering with the outside environments. On roads, &#;noise walls&#; are used to reduce the sounds of busy roads. Noise barriers are an effective low tech noise suppression system that significantly reduces the effects of noise pollution.
    • Dampening Structures - Dampening structures reduce sound reflected by surfaces using soft materials such as foam or fabric. Irregularly designed panels known as sound baffles have a number of flat surfaces that are almost perpendicular to the wall. They are designed to reflect the sound off of each other multiple times. With each reflection, sound is reduced. The use of baffles, when combined with foam, has a dramatic effect on noise suppression.
    • Anti Noise Cancellation - ANC is a form of sound dampening and can be used for larger areas with the installation of microphones and speakers. When the ANC sound waves combine with intrusive sound, the two sets of waves cancel each other.

    Properties of Sound Dampening Materials

    • Density - Density is the mass per volume of a substance and is how tight the molecules of a material are. If the density of a material is high, sound waves get dampened and reflected off the material. If the density is low, sound waves get absorbed or pass through.
    • Porosity - Porosity changes the energy of sound waves and changes their momentum.
    • Flow Resistivity - Flow resistivity is the resistance of a material to the flow of noise per the thickness of the material.
    • Cell Size - The cells of a material must be smaller than the wavelengths of the sound it is absorbing. Open cells are absorbers while closed cells are blockers.
    • Tortuosity - Tortuosity is the twists and turns in the cell arrangement of a material. As sound waves turn and bend through a material, they lose their momentum.


    • Any sound above the range of 85dB is considered noise pollution.
    • Constant exposure to elevated levels of noise can lead to serious mental and physical health issues.
    • Industrial noise pollution is causing many problems for living beings.
    • Many industrial noise control products are available nowadays.
    • These products help in reducing noise, resonance, and echo in any area.
    • Acoustic barriers, acoustic enclosures, acoustic foams, ceiling baffles, acoustic canopies, varitone sound absorption systems, eco barriers, soundproof doors and windows, and many more are there to control industrial noise pollution.
    • All these products are specific in their function and space and work accordingly.
    • Industries should use these products for the wellbeing of their workers and their surrounding environment.

    Leading Manufacturers and Suppliers

      Acoustic Foams -- Sustainable or No?

      By Randolph Hoover

      When in the comfort of home, many of us have heard noise coming from the street outside or from the loud volume of television programs from our neighbors. The opposite may be true; neighbors complain about the barking of your dog that interrupts their sleep at night. This is because sound vibrations naturally pass through air &#; and walls. Different frequencies of noise enter and exit our premises, and we can obstruct these sound waves by constructing a soundproof room with the right acoustic foam.

      In some places, especially when there are environmental concerns in the area, home theaters, manufacturing facilities, schools, churches, synagogues and temples, equipment warehouses, corporate offices, gymnasiums, and auditoriums are already required to install acoustic foams, and this is planned as early as in the construction phase of the project. In this article, we will get to know more about acoustic foams including pros and cons.

      Pro: Reduce noise pollution

      Just like light, sound waves can pass through even the smallest hole or opening in holes, walls, or any material. Acoustic foams are installed to reduce noise pollution as they remove echoes and background sounds not by blocking the sound but by absorbing it.

      Pro: Enhance sound quality

      Acoustic foams are cut in tiles with pyramid or wedge shapes. They work not only to absorb sounds, but also to enhance the quality of sound and speech in a room. Dealing with both mid and high frequencies at the same time, acoustic foam can also be counted as a type of cost-friendly heat reduction facility that is placed in corners of the room or wherever optimal sound mixes are needed as bass traps to minimize sound echoes.

      Just like light, sound waves can pass through even the smallest hole or opening in holes, walls, or any material. Acoustic foams are installed to reduce noise pollution as they remove echoes and background sounds not by blocking the sound but by absorbing it. Acoustic foams are used to control the reverberation sounds make and this is quite different from soundproofing.Acoustic foams are cut in tiles with pyramid or wedge shapes. They work not only to absorb sounds, but also to enhance the quality of sound and speech in a room. Dealing with both mid and high frequencies at the same time, acoustic foam can also be counted as a type of cost-friendly heat reduction facility that is placed in corners of the room or wherever optimal sound mixes are needed as bass traps to minimize sound echoes.

      Reducing the amplitude of the waves, acoustic foams dissipate the sound energy as heat. To enhance this effect, there must a good measure of air gap between the foam panels and the walls. This uncovers a wider surface area of the foam panels to incident waves thereby expanding the amount of absorption.

      Pro: Improve room&#;s design

      Most homeowners consider acoustic foams for their music studio or work areas so they can have more privacy and concentration in doing their task or craft. Acoustic foam is made from open cell polyurethane foam, and this can provide better aesthetics looks when it comes to room designs.

      Most homeowners consider acoustic foams for their music studio or work areas so they can have more privacy and concentration in doing their task or craft. Acoustic foam is made from open cell polyurethane foam, and this can provide better aesthetics looks when it comes to room designs.

      There are a variety of colors and textures of acoustic foam and you may want to incorporate the theme to your home&#;s interior design. Some people choose to apply a contour effect to add sophistication and elegance in the room. In addition, acoustic foams also are available in different sizes and thickness and these can be attached to walls, ceilings, doors and other features of a room.

      Con: Fire properties

      One drawback of using acoustic foam is that it has fire properties. Because acoustic panel is composed of mainly polyurethane, it releases a high smoke level when burned. Hence, this material may not be safe for occurrence of fire.

      Con: Not effective when incorrectly placed

      Another disadvantage is when acoustic foam is not placed right or when a gap is left unsealed. Often homeowners decide to follow basic instructions per online guide and check that all acoustic panels are covering the gaps or opening around the door completely, but this may not be enough. When incorrectly placed, acoustic foam does not absorb much sound and it tends to just bounce or reflect back the sound waves from one wall to another. Hiring professionals to do it can guarantee that acoustic foams will work to its full ability.


      Before designing a room, it is important not only to look after the leaks, flooring, wall paint, ceiling height, and many of the fixtures. To treat and control sound coming in and out of the room, you know that setting up curtains is not the brightest idea. Rather, installing acoustic foams that attenuate airborne sound waves should be part of the plan from the start to effectively eliminate resonance within the room. It is an inexpensive way to soundproof the walls or decrease the volume of desired area in your home.

      One drawback of using acoustic foam is that it has fire properties. Because acoustic panel is composed of mainly polyurethane, it releases a high smoke level when burned. Hence, this material may not be safe for occurrence of fire.Another disadvantage is when acoustic foam is not placed right or when a gap is left unsealed. Often homeowners decide to follow basic instructions per online guide and check that all acoustic panels are covering the gaps or opening around the door completely, but this may not be enough. When incorrectly placed, acoustic foam does not absorb much sound and it tends to just bounce or reflect back the sound waves from one wall to another. Hiring professionals to do it can guarantee that acoustic foams will work to its full ability.Before designing a room, it is important not only to look after the leaks, flooring, wall paint, ceiling height, and many of the fixtures. To treat and control sound coming in and out of the room, you know that setting up curtains is not the brightest idea. Rather, installing acoustic foams that attenuate airborne sound waves should be part of the plan from the start to effectively eliminate resonance within the room. It is an inexpensive way to soundproof the walls or decrease the volume of desired area in your home.

      Image credit: Flickr/Trevor Cox

      Randolph Hoover and his family were originally from San Diego California but he is currently studying Business Administration in Umea University in Sweden. While shuffling his work being a Business major, he helps his parents with constant home maintenance in their home in Umea. His main interests is mainly home improvement and car maintenance. When he's not busy, he writes articles about health, his experiences with his father's business and lifestyle, and spends quality time with his family and friends.

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