How to do a 40 stance?

09 Apr.,2024


40-Yard Stance and Start

This is an excerpt from Complete Conditioning for Football by Patrick Ivey & Josh Stoner.

40-Yard Stance and Start

It is important to have a procedure for getting in a good, comfortable stance to allow for an explosive start.


  • Fix, rotate, hammer, punch, foot plant, extension


  • Football field or other surface marked with 5-yard increments
  • Stopwatch


  • Use the goal line on the football field as the starting line.
  • The timer (coach) is positioned on the 10-yard line.
  • Use the call and response routine to get positioned correctly behind the starting line.

Coaching Points

  • Position the line: Place your front foot 6 to 12 inches (two or three fists) away from the starting line.
  • Hand position: Place one hand on your hip pocket and the other hand just below the line.
  • Lead hand: Sweep back the lead hand in an explosive manner.
  • Back hand: Rip the back hand forward from your pocket with a quick motion.
  • Foot stagger: Stand with the toes of the back foot at the heel of the lead foot, feet hip-width apart.
  • Feet: Explode with both legs. The back leg should not go too far on the first step, but you must try to get it out in front of you. Do not step to the side.
  • Head: Tuck your chin to your chest, eyes looking toward feet.
  • Forward lean: Before takeoff, lean forward as far as possible without losing your balance and pause for 1 second.

The Call and Response routine is used in conjunction with the McNair system. In the Call and Response routine, the coach calls a number and the players respond to the call with an answering phrase and then action.

Coach (call): “1”

Athlete (response): “Let's have some fun.”

Procedure: Make two fists and stack one on the other.

Coach: “2”

Athlete: “Touch your shoe.”

Procedure: Keep your fists together and place your hands directly behind the starting line and in front of your front foot. You may need to adjust depending on your particular needs. A right-handed athlete places his left foot forward; vice versa for a left-handed athlete.

Coach: “3”

Athlete: “Drop your knee.”

Procedure: Drop the opposite knee right beside the front foot.

Coach: “4”

Athlete: “Hand on the floor.”

Procedure: Take the hand on the side of the back foot and place the thumb and index finger right behind the line with the thumb right in front of the center of the kneecap.

Coach: “5”

Athlete: “High five.”

Procedure: Take the hand on the side of the front foot and place it about a foot in front of the line for balance.

Coach: “6”

Athlete: “Hips up quick”

Procedure: As you rise, your back foot slides forward so there is a heel-to-toe relationship and balance in the stance.

Coach: “7”

Athlete: “Elbow to heaven.”

Procedure: Take the balance hand in front of the line, bend your elbow 90 degrees, and place your hand right beside your hip.

Coach: “8”

Athlete: “Run straight.”

Procedure: Explode low out of the stance and run straight.

More Excerpts From Complete Conditioning for Football

So on day one we did some get offs and I wanted you to feel your start out of your stance so when we correct it you’ll not only see the difference but you’ll feel it.

you want your feet to be no wider than your hips, with your toes pointed straight ahead.

I then want you starting your mark at the top of the start line (this will help distribute your weight forward once your in your stance.)

Now you’ll move your lead foot first to the opposite heel then place down at hip width

You’ll then move the opposite foot to the heel and move it back an additional 8-12 inches and place that foot hip width apart.

drop your back knee to the ground and align it with your forward leg toes. Your knee should be behind your toes ( if not your feet are to close together and you need to move your back foot farther behind.)

Now you want to walk you hands back and pick your butt up at the same time. I want you to keep going back until you hand is behind the starting line and your back knee is slightly bent about 120° . Your lead leg should be a bit more bent at about 90°. And you want to make sure your weight is distributed forward.

Stay loose and look down toward the turf. Once your set start to lift the up hand. keep your elbow at a 90° Bend and bring your thumb right to your hip.

Stay in this position for about 2 seconds and explode out of your stance. Driving your knee towards your rib cage and fire out low ( no higher than a 45° angle). Use your arms to help generate extra knee drive and use your eyes to keep your body at the proper angle.

40 Yard Dash Drill

Prowler Bounds

Add this 40 yard dash drill to your routine to help you with your body angle and knee drive. Think explosive and generate power on every step.

Master your stance, master your start increase the chance of mastering your 40.

- Coach Ike

How to do a 40 stance?

40 Yard Dash: Stance & Start

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