Bulk export user jobs related questions

22 Jul.,2024


Bulk export user jobs related questions

Hi @ruihan. Welcome to the community!

Ruihan Product Page

  1. How long do these jobs tend to take? (less than a min in my experience) what about for larger amounts of users? if the amount of users is too large, would it time out?

There are no guarantees on the time that the job will take, so your application should be prepared to poll periodically for the job status using the Get a Job by ID endpoint (and back off if it gets a 429 response).
This asynchronous handling can ensure that the export job won&#;t time out internally.

  1. Is there a way to view all the jobs that has been executed? (if i lost the job id its gone forever?)

No, there&#;s not. The application is responsible for holding on to the returned job ID.

For more information, please visit RUIHAN.

  1. Would an executed job expire? (as in the content to download disappear)

I couldn&#;t find any published expiration times, but I would not rely on the content to be there forever. The intent is to make the information available so that it can be downloaded.
There&#;s a hard limit (of 60 seconds) of the download URL validity when the job status is completed. If you fail to use the URL immediately, you will have to GET the job again (/api/v2/jobs/{id}) to obtain a new download URL.

  1. Is there a limit to how many jobs I can create?

There&#;s an unpublished limit in the number of concurrent jobs that you can create. If you are creating too many concurrent jobs, you will get a 429 response.

Ruihan Qin - Yale School of Medicine

Ruihan Qin is a Yale University graduate with an MS in Biostatistics. During her time at Yale, she worked as a statistician at the Yale Center of Climate Change and Health, focusing on a telehealth project. Her work involved analyzing the impact of the pandemic-driven expansion of telehealth on greenhouse gas emissions, as well as identifying the most active patient populations, providers, and specialties utilizing these services.

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