Understanding Water Soluble Fertilizers

13 May.,2024


Understanding Water Soluble Fertilizers

Lawn fertilizers aid in the aesthetic of residential and commercial lawns and restore nutrient balance within the soil. If you’ve ever wondered how the natural process of nutrient absorption from these fertilizers occurs, read along as we take a deeper dive into understanding water-soluble fertilizers and their essential role in lawn care. 

For more information, please visit water soluble fertilizers npk.

In this guide, we'll discuss water-soluble fertilizers' role, the benefits of liquid fertilizers, how to make fertilization more effective, and how frequently you should be fertilizing your lawn.

What Does it Mean to be Water Soluble?

Before diving into the benefits of water-soluble fertilizers, it's first essential to understand what it means. Any ingredient or product that is water-soluble means that it can dissolve in and be absorbed by water. Water solubility measures how much of a given ingredient can be effectively dissolved and absorbed.

The excellent news for lawn fertilizers is that both granular and liquid fertilizers are water-soluble, though they may require different steps before or after lawn application. Finding the right water-soluble fertilizer for your lawn can bring you quick results with almost no fuss, depending on your grass care needs.

The Benefits of Water Soluble Fertilizers

Lawn fertilizers are meant to be water-soluble so that the soil can adequately absorb them. When you're fertilizing your lawn, water solubility is crucial in whether your lawn care application is effective or not. The solubility of lawn fertilizers, granular or liquid, provides the grass with these benefits:

  • Efficient absorption

  • Optimal growth

  • Effective use of nutrients

  • Less product waste

We can revitalize and rejuvenate lawns through an independent fertilization process because of the water-soluble properties of lawn fertilizers. Without this property, lawn fertilizers would sit at the surface of grass, rendering them ineffective without proper soil absorption and nutrient uptake.

What is Liquid Fertilizer?

Liquid fertilizers exist in a readily available form for fast nutrient absorption by the soil. Because of this fertilizer's liquid state, it has enhanced water solubility upon application. You can rest assured that the ingredients are getting to work fast. Liquid fertilizer allows for a more uniform application than granular fertilizer. Best of all, there is no heavy spreading equipment needed with liquid fertilizers—use your existing garden hose to apply this product with the bottle's spray nozzle. 

There are even more benefits to going liquid with your lawn care. Liquid fertilizers are homogenous and well-mixed, so your lawn will get an even application; you will see consistent results in your yard. The water solubility in liquid fertilizer is even better due to the small particle sizes that allow for significant nutrient uptake by grassroots. 

You can use your liquid fertilizer for more than just your grass. These water-soluble fertilizers can be sprayed onto plant foliage for an extra nutrient boost, too. 

How Do I Ensure Effective Water Solubility?

The physical application of lawn fertilization is not adequate alone. The water solubility of necessary macronutrients and micronutrients makes lawn fertilization useful. No matter which type of fertilizer you choose for your lawn care, these are steps you can take to ensure the effectiveness of your water-soluble fertilizers: 

  • Research lawn fertilizers - Look for specific callouts on water solubility.

  • Compare fertilizer ingredients - note which micronutrients may be


  • Follow fertilizer directions for pre and post-application - pay special attention to watering instructions as these will directly impact the water solubility of ingredients.


Researching ingredients in fertilizers will be the first step to ensuring sufficient water solubility. With these tips, you can get the most out of your water-soluble fertilizer. You might be asking yourself how often you should be applying this to your lawn - let’s learn more. 

When Should I Fertilize My Lawn?

Navigating a lawn care schedule, especially a fertilizing schedule, can sometimes prove to be challenging. The factors contributing to lawn fertilization frequency may include grass type, season, and overall grass health. Your warm-season or cool-season grass may have different fertilization needs. Still, the general rule of thumb is to fertilize twice a year - once at the start of the growing season and again before the dormancy season (or the first frost if you are in a colder state.)

You do not need to adhere to fertilizing just twice a year rigidly. Instead, pay attention to what your lawn is telling you. Brown or yellowing leaves, dry patches, and an excess of weeds can tell you what you need to know about the state of your grass's health. The most conclusive way to tell if it's time for fertilization is to conduct a soil test. The results of the soil test will let you know of any nutrient deficiencies or pH imbalances. From there, you can decide the best course of action for your grass health. Regardless of which type of product you use, highly water-soluble fertilizers will yield faster, more effective results.  

If you need help getting started, this fertilizer schedule supplies a month-by-month lawn care guide for your specific needs.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Fertilizer Application

Fertilizer application generally only happens a few times per year, whether you choose a granular fertilizer or opt for liquid fertilizer. Therefore, you want to be sure your fertilizer application is practical and useful. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your lawn fertilizer: 

  • Prepare soil - Aerate 

    to allow for deeper penetration of nutrients and water. 

  • Indicate the nutrient imbalance - Conducting a soil test will help you learn more about what nutrients your soil is lacking

    For more npk fertilizer 15-15-15information, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  • Find the right blend - Depending on your soil test results, you can restore nutrient balance in your soil by applying the right blend and ratio of essential fertilizer macronutrients: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.

Your lawn is sure to enhance curb appeal in no time!

Fertilizer Fundamentals: How to Choose the Right One

Fertilizer, What Is It?

Ah, the memories of those science classes! Remember sitting there, soaking up knowledge about photosynthesis? It was like learning the ultimate life hack of the plant world – turning sunlight into food.

But wait, did your teacher delve into the world of fertilizers? You know, those nutrient boosters that often get mistaken for plant grub? The official definition is “any material, organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic, which supplies one or more of the chemical elements required for the plant growth.”

Okay, that’s a little formal. Simply put, fertilizer is not plant food (they make their food!); its plant nutrients – like sulfur, calcium, nitrogen, etc. – required for the plant to grow, develop, and reproduce. There are different sources of nutrients that plants can use. It’s sometimes hard to know what to apply since there are so many options. Let’s go a bit deeper.

Types of Fertilizer

There are two main types of fertilizers: organic and inorganic. Organic ones are naturally derived, meaning they aren’t man-made. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are the factory-made, water-soluble counterparts.

While both have their merits, it’s important not to overdo the use of either type. Applying too much, or applying them when plants aren’t actively growing, can spell trouble for both your plants and the environment. Think nutrient runoff wreaking havoc on water quality and contributing to pesky problems like algal blooms. 

Regardless of the type of fertilizer, they can do damage to plants and the environment. Luckily, the same basic principles of selection and application apply to both organic and inorganic, or synthetic, fertilizers.

Do I Need Fertilizer?

In the wild, plants get their nutrients from natural cycles. In developed areas, we use fertilizers to mimic the nutrients these cycles provide to wild plants. Developed, in this instance, refers to lawns, landscapes, and potted plants or raised beds. Fertilizers should be applied when the essential nutrients for plant growth are depleted, which is common in “developed” situations.

Fertilizers are similar in concept to a nutrient cocktail that plants use to support their growth and survival. Think of it as their vitamin regimen. The main players in this nutrient mix are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – the trio responsible for keeping plants thriving. These are often referred to a macro nutrient – not because they are the most important, but they are typically required in the highest amounts when compared to the micronutrients (think calcium, iron, sulfur, etc.). Nitrogen (N) beefs up those leafy greens, phosphorus (P) digs deep for root health and flowering, while potassium (K) is like a plant’s immune system booster. Some fertilizers also contain micronutrients to support plant growth as well. Match those numbers to your plant’s needs and voila!

The Impacts of Fertilizer

But before you go wild with the fertilizer, hold your gardening gloves! Timing is everything. Just like sticking to a skincare routine, plants need a fertilizing schedule to keep them glowing. Applying fertilizers appropriately will give you the best version of your garden. Overapplication is financially wasteful and can damage your plants. The extra nutrients get washed away and enter water sources, which directly impacts public health and aquatic ecosystems, and not in a good way.

Picture this: Florida, a sunshine paradise, plagued by issues like red-tide and blue-green algae. Sound familiar? Yep, blame it on eutrophication – the fallout from excess nutrients in the water, courtesy of nutrient runoff. When aquatic plants overgrow from the nutrients in the water due to fertilizers, oxygen levels plummet, leaving marine life gasping for breath. Hence the harmful algal blooms.

Reading a Fertilizer Label

Fertilizers are regulated materials that contain plant nutrients. On the label, there must be a nutrient analysis. This analysis is the representation of the nutrients as a percentage of weight. These materials are listed on the nutrient analysis, as well as any additional nutrients. So, it is important to be able to read and understand the label to choose the right one. Let’s learn how:

  1. Nutrient Analysis – you can identify this by looking for the 3 numbers on the label. These numbers give the percentage of the three main nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), by weight. So, think N-P-K when you see these 3 numbers. For example, a 100lb bag has 12-3-4, this means that there are 12lbs of N, 3 lbs. of P, and 4 lbs. of K.
  2. Guaranteed analysis: this is the analysis by weight of each element present in the fertilizer, warranted by the manufacturer.
  3. Total Nitrogen: the total amount of nitrogen expressed as a percentage.
  4. Additional Macro-nutrients: additional nutrients displayed as a percentage by weight of the total amount of fertilizer.
  5. Additional Micro-nutrients: micronutrients displayed as percentage by weight of the total amount of fertilizer. In Florida, our sandy soil may tend to have low levels of micronutrients, but your soil content should be determined by a soil test. Excess amounts of these nutrients can damage and kill plants.
  6. Nutrient Sources: details where the fertilizer was derived from.

Which Fertilizer Is Right for Me?

How do you know which fertilizer to pick, you ask? Start with a soil test. It’s like giving your plants a doctor’s check-up.

You can easily take a soil sample at home with a kit, or that can be sent to the UF/IFAS soil laboratory, where inexpensive testing is available to the public. Or you can pick up an online based soil test kit at your local Extension Office. Either kit is simple, provides specific instructions, and provides recommendations based on the specific plant and situation you note on the form. Based on the results, choose a fertilizer that caters to the specific nutritional needs of your plants.

Choosing the right fertilizer depends on a lot of factors. The type of plant, soil, and time of year are just a few considerations. Lawn fertilizers would burn garden plants because they contain too much nitrogen and sometimes other chemicals that are meant to control weeds, so it is important to do your research and pick the best fertilizer for your type of plant. One size does not fit all when it comes to fertilizing your plants.

Types of Fertilizer

  1. Complete fertilizers: this type of fertilizer contains all three of the primary macronutrients – nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K).
    • A balanced fertilizer contains equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium – like a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
    • It may be beneficial to apply this type of fertilizer if your soil lacks all three nutrients, but if your soil is rich in 2, applying all 3 nutrients could burn your plants and lead to toxicity as well as waste your money!
  2. Incomplete fertilizer: a fertilizer that lacks one or two of the three major plant nutrients.
  3. Slow & Controlled release: provide nutrients to plants over an extended period of time. The idea is to save money by fertilizing less frequently and prevent excess nutrients from entering waterways.
    • Read the label to find the percentage of slow – or controlled-release nutrients in the fertilizer, paying particular attention to the higher amounts of slow-release nitrogen.
    • In Florida, any fertilizer that is labeled “slow-release” or “controlled-release” must contain at least 30% or more slow- or controlled-release nitrogen.
  4. Organic fertilizer: made from materials that are derived from plants and animals, like manure.
  5. Inorganic fertilizer: materials that are mined or synthesized from non-living materials.
  6. Dry fertilizer: made of powder or granular materials that dissolve in water.
  7. Water-soluble/liquid fertilizer: water soluble powders or liquid concentrates that mix with water to form a solution.

Check out Types of Fertilizer – Gardening Solutions – University of Florida for more information.


By understanding the delicate dance between photosynthesis and fertilization, you can be a gardening guru and Florida Friendly. Remember, photosynthesis is the plant’s superpower, while fertilizer is its trusty sidekick, ensuring a healthy and flourishing garden. So, next time you’re out amongst the blooms, armed with your watering can and fertilizer in hand, channel your inner botanist and let the gardening magic begin! Happy gardening, folks!

Next up, read about how to apply fertilizer!

Supervising agent: Dr. Whitney Elmore County Extension Director, Urban Horticulture Agent, and Master Gardener Coordinator

Have a question?

If you have any questions about gardening in Central Florida, please contact the UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County at 352-518-0156. For more information on UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County Community Gardens, and how you can join one, visit http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/pasco/.

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