Two-tiered deer fence -- how skimpy can I go on second tier?

07 Oct.,2024


Two-tiered deer fence -- how skimpy can I go on second tier?

Just found this forum, I&#;m very excited! I tend to write long posts so I tried to write a short version and include context at the end. Also, I read some other threads on this topic but didn&#;t find any setups very much like this. Appreciate any advice!

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Short version:

We bought a house that came with a fenced-in backyard (yay)! It backs state woods, so we see deer all the time. The fence is four feet high and looks somewhat like this:

I want to deer fence the backyard in preparation for planting fruit, and I&#;d like to incorporate the lovely and durable fence. But I don&#;t want to potentially anger the neighbors by extending the fence 3&#; vertically with poly mesh (also worried about bird entanglement; we have feeders).

I&#;m wondering if anyone has experience trying a two-fences method where the outer fence is as specified and the inner is visible non-electrified wire (perhaps with CDs at first) hung about 6 ½ feet tall and 5 feet back from the fence. What do you think? Or maybe a second wire at 4 feet would be necessary? Just one wire we could walk under would be great. Would it be worth combining this type of fence with laser deterrents, etc?

Got the idea from here:

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Home & Garden Information Center | Clemson University, South Carolina

Deer Management for Home Gardeners Using a Two-Tiered Fence System

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More context for those interested:

We have a pet dog who lives inside and goes out to bark at the woods about 3x per evening; our neighbors on one side also have a dog and a fenced yard; our neighbors on the other have no dog, no fence.

Deer have come in the yard but only eaten the tips off my eastern azalea (clearly a favorite), nothing else. I want to buy a trail cam to help see if this fence works, but not sure if I will know until we have a lot more deer candy around and a lot more at stake.

The eventual plan is to plant a hedge of blackberries and other useful bushes 5&#; in to make the landing zone messy and hopefully hide some of the other sweet treats from view, but that will take time, obviously.

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