The Benefits of Electro-Pneumatic Control for Pressure ...

07 Oct.,2024


The Benefits of Electro-Pneumatic Control for Pressure ...

Lister said electrical and hydraulic options are the biggest competition to electro-pneumatic control. While there are some applications in which those technologies do fit better, there are a wide variety of others for which electro-pneumatic is the right solution.

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He said in the past, electrical control was typically better for providing the precision required of positioning applications. But with Proportion-Air&#;s two-loop QB2X pressure regulator, it is possible to get as good as, if not better, control over electrical.

With the QB2X, you can integrate a position sensor with an air cylinder and plug the sensor directly into the QB2X to allow for position control without having to utilize another PLC.

&#;Using the second loop technology, you can control speed, torque, or whatever you&#;d like,&#; said Lister. &#;If there's a sensor out there for it, we can hook it up to the QB2X.&#;

Hydraulic control is typically for those applications with high force requirements, typically in the tens of thousands of psi. However, Lister said Proportion-Air does have electro-pneumatic components, including the QBX pressure regulator, which are capable of achieving higher pressures. The company&#;s GX unit directly drives up to 1,000 psi.

For higher pressures, ratio regulators are available for the QBX which increase the amount of pressure that can be controlled. &#;We&#;ve controlled up to 7,500 psi,&#; he said. &#;We know from the process and part availabilities we can go up a little over 20,000 psi but no one has really had the application for that yet.&#;

Applications with space or size constraints may also factor into the ability to use electro-pneumatic control. &#;If you don&#;t have compressed air or ways to fit hoses in, then you can use electrical for [applications] that need some precision,&#; said Lister.  &#;Sometimes it is not worth putting a whole compressor in if there is just one little part that you need the precision on.&#;

READ MORE: Advanced Electropneumatic Positioning Achieves Dynamic Force Control

Applications Benefitting from Electro-Pneumatic Pressure Regulators

Determining the applications for which electro-pneumatic pressure regulators like Proportion-Air&#;s QBX are best suited is difficult because they control process variables. &#;That&#;s such a wide variety of things,&#; said Lister. &#;It&#;s like asking what&#;s the best benefit for a screw? It really depends on what you&#;re using it for; the benefits really vary wildly.&#;

He said the pressure regulators are commonly used in automation related applications, and have proved particularly beneficial for manufacturing semiconductors, medical devices, and automotive components.

One example he provided was controlling steam temperature for tire curing. Ensuring the correct temperature is reached and maintained throughout the curing process is critical to creating a safe and high-quality tire.

Electro Pneumatic Actuator: Applications in Industry

Introduction: What are Electro Pneumatic Actuator?

Electro pneumatic actuator are electromechanical devices that use a combination of electrical and mechanical energy to convert an electric signal into linear motion. They can be used in a variety of applications, from industrial machinery and automotive engineering to robotics and medical equipment. These actuators provide precise positioning control for applications that require dynamic motion, such as pick-and-place operations.


How Does an Electro Pneumatic Actuator Work?

Electro pneumatic actuator comprise of four primary components: a pressure chamber, a piston, an electrical signal source and a control valve. When an electric current apply to the actuator&#;s pressure chamber, the pressure within the chamber increases, pushing the piston forward. This motion of the piston regulates by a control valve and intelligent positioner, which connect to an electrical signal source. By regulating this signal source, actuators can program to move in specific patterns or at specific speeds and forces.

What are the Different Types of Electro Pneumatic Actuators?

Electro pneumatic actuators come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from miniature units for precise movements to larger versions for more powerful applications. The most common types of electro-pneumatic actuator include rotary actuators, linear actuators, and diaphragm actuators.

Rotary actuators are the most popular type of electro-pneumatic actuator. They use a rotary motion to convert an electric signal into linear motion, and can use in applications such as robotic arms or machine tools.

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Linear actuators are ideal for applications that require precise and accurate positioning, such as positioning machinery or automation equipment. They are also used in medical applications, such as surgical robots and prosthetics.

Diaphragm actuators use a flexible membrane that pressurize by an electrical signal to move the piston, allowing for more precise control than rotary and linear actuators. Diaphragm actuators can use in applications such as valves or pumps, where precise control is essential.

Rotary actuators use for applications that require rotational motion, such as the opening and closing of valves in industrial processes. Linear actuators move along a straight line and commonly use in robotics or any application that requires linear motion. Diaphragm actuators use a flexible diaphragm to control the pressure within an actuator and are ideal for applications that require precise control of pressure and flow.

Common Applications for Electro Pneumatic Actuator

Electro pneumatic actuator use in a wide variety of industries, including automotive engineering, industrial machinery, robotics and medical equipment. In automobile manufacturing, for example, electro pneumatic actuator can use to control the opening and closing of the car doors. In industrial machinery, they often use in robotic arms or pick-and-place operations. Medical equipment such as dialysis machines also rely on electro pneumatic actuators to control fluid flow.

Electro pneumatic actuator also use in aerospace and military applications, such as aircraft control surfaces or missile guidance systems. In these cases, the actuator is able to provide precise control over very small motions and forces. This makes them ideally suited for controlling delicate operations like space exploration missions or delicate instrumentation on an airplane wing.

Benefits of Using Electro Pneumatic Actuator

Electro pneumatic actuators offer many advantages compared to other motion control devices. They are highly reliable, efficient and accurate, with minimal maintenance required. Because they use both electrical and mechanical energy, they are also able to achieve higher speeds and greater forces than other actuator types. Furthermore, they are simple to install and program, making them easy to integrate into existing systems. Electro pneumatic actuators also have a long life span, meaning that they can use for many years without needing to be replaced or repaired.

Electro pneumatic actuators are an invaluable tool in a wide variety of industries and applications. They provide precise motion control, high speeds, efficient energy conversion and long life spans with minimal maintenance require. With the ability to easily instal and program, they can use in everything from automobile engineering to aerospace applications. Electro pneumatic actuators are the go-to option when it comes to motion control.

Understanding Electro Pneumatic Actuator Sizing

When selecting an electro pneumatic valve actuator for a specific application, it is important to consider the size of the device. Generally speaking, larger actuators have higher forces and longer strokes than smaller ones. Furthermore, the force generated by an actuator is dependent on both its size and pressure rating. It is therefore important to carefully calculate the required force before selecting an actuator. Additionally, the electrical power requirements for an actuator should also consider before purchasing to ensure that it is compatible with existing systems.

Industrial Applications

Automotive Industry

Valve electro actuator widely use in the automotive industry for a variety of applications. From controlling engine valves to opening and closing car doors, these devices provide precise positioning control with minimal maintenance required. They can also use in assemblies that require fast and accurate motion, such as brake systems or fuel injection systems.


Robotic applications often require precise positioning and motion control, which makes electro pneumatic actuators an ideal choice. They can use to position robotic arms with high accuracy, as well as for pick-and-place operations or automated assembly lines. Furthermore, they are also capable of producing very small movements at consistent speeds.

Food and Beverage Industry

The food industry relies heavily on automation for production and processing. Electro pneumatic actuators are ideal for applications such as filling, sorting and packaging machines, where precise motion control require. They can also use to control the flow rate of liquids or other materials in a controlled environment.

Industrial Machinery

Electro ball valve pneumatic actuator commonly use in industrial machinery, such as robotic arms or pick-and-place operations. They provide precise positioning control with minimal maintenance required, making them ideal for fast and accurate motion applications. They can also use to control the speed and force of machine movements.

HVAC Systems

Electro pneumatic actuators commonly use in heating and cooling (HVAC) systems. These actuators can program to precise temperatures and provide a reliable way to regulate the temperature of an area or room. They are also highly efficient and require minimal maintenance or energy consumption, making them well-suited for HVAC applications.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications

Electro pneumatic actuators widely use in medical and pharmaceutical applications due to their high precision, accuracy and reliability. They can use for a variety of purposes, from controlling fluid flow in dialysis machines to regulating flow rates in drug delivery systems. Furthermore, they provide consistent operation with minimal maintenance required, making them ideal for medical and pharmaceutical applications.


Electro pneumatic actuators are powerful motion control devices that can use in a wide variety of industries, from automotive engineering to medical equipment. They provide precise positioning control with minimal maintenance required and can program for specific speeds, forces and movements. Furthermore, they are highly reliable, efficient and accurate. When selecting an electro pneumatic actuator, it is important to consider the size of the device and calculate the required force. With their wide range of applications in industry, robotics, automotive engineering and medical equipment, electro pneumatic actuators are an essential component for any motion control system.

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