Mathematical Modeling of Screw Press Configuration for ...

06 May.,2024


Mathematical Modeling of Screw Press Configuration for ...

The seeds of safflower sort “Ahram” are used as a research object, and were preliminarily peeled. The weight of the loaded seeds is 5 kg, and the initial moisture content is 12%.

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2.2. Description of the Press Equipment

The oil press RAWMID Dream Modern was used to press safflower, which comprises a frame, pressing screw, cone-shaped pressing cage, pressure-regulating mechanism in the pressing chamber, and a loading hopper ( Figure 1 and Figure 2 ).

The screw is made of stainless steel with a total length of 0.20 m and a diameter of 0.16 m. The screw spiral has a constant spacing of 0.02 m, the coils have a constant thickness of 0.008 m, and the depth of the spacing is equal to a constant value ( Figure 3 ).

The design of the operating device is made with a regulating mechanism, which ensures optimum pressure delivery to each turn of the screw. In this mechanism, the screw press is designed as a back-and-forth motion. Based on the cone shape of the outer and inner diameters of the screw shaft, the reciprocating movement of the screw narrows parts of the gap between the pressing cage and the pressing screw. This design creates a condition for narrowing the section of each turn and at the same time provides a two-way side pressure on the raw material.

The pressure control mechanism consists of a spring, a locking nut, a check nut, two sliding lugs and washers, and a rubber sealing ring ( Figure 4 ).

The press works as follows: Peeled safflower seeds from the feed hopper enter the pressing chamber. The pressure rises as a result of the gradual reduction of the inner diameter of the pressing screw on the safflower. Oil is extracted through the cone-shaped openings of the pressing cage. The pressure required for oil separation is regulated on the basis of a specially designed pressure control mechanism.

The following dependencies were investigated during the improvement of the pressing process:


Study of the effect of changing speeds (ω = 5.2 rad/s; ω = 6.2 rad/s; ω = 6.8 rad/s; and ω = 7.3 rad/s) on the duration of pressing;


Study of the effect of changing the initial and final diaphragm gap between the screw and the pressing cage ( δ = 1 × 10 − 3 m; δ = 3 × 10 − 3 m; δ = 5 × 10 − 3 m; and δ = 7 × 10 − 3   m ) on the pressing pressure.

2.2.1. Determination of the Density of Safflower Cake

Three loads of 5 g of cake were placed in a mesh basket made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.6 mm.

Before the test, the weight of the mesh basket with hangers was measured. Then, it was placed in a measuring cup, which is filled with ethyl ether, which is in a thermostatic vessel with a water temperature of 20 ± 0.5 °C. The ether in the beaker was stirred to remove air bubbles from the mesh basket with the cake. The readings of instrumental scales were set by means of weights, which were hinged on the arm of a beaker.


(m3) was determined by the Equation (1):

V = m Γ − m Π ρ ж


m Γ and m Π are the mass, respectively, of the load and the sample, kg; and ρ ж is the density of ether at 20 °C, kg/m3.

The volume of safflower cake in each sample(m) was determined by the Equation (1):whereandare the mass, respectively, of the load and the sample, kg; andis the density of ether at 20 °C, kg/m


(kg/m3) was found by the Equation (2):

ρ = m V



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is the volume of sample, m3; and m H is the weight of sample, kg.

The density of safflower cake in each sample(kg/m) was found by the Equation (2):whereis the volume of sample, m; andis the weight of sample, kg.

ρ c (kg/m3) was found by the Equation (3):

ρ c = ρ × 100 − V 100 − W ρ


W is the moisture content of safflower cake, %.

The density of dry safflower cake(kg/m) was found by the Equation (3):whereis the moisture content of safflower cake, %.

2.2.2. Determination of Yield Stress


(in Pa) was determined from the depth of cone immersion and calculated by Equation (4):

θ = K × F h 2



is the load value, N;


is the total immersion depth of the cone, m; and


is the cone constant depending on the angle of the cone α at the apex.

Determination of the yield stress was carried out on a cone penetrometer “Structurometer ST 2” (“Radius” firm, Moscow, Russia). A cone indenter with an apex angle of 45° was used to analyze the yield stress of the cake [ 19 ]. The yield stress(in Pa) was determined from the depth of cone immersion and calculated by Equation (4):whereis the load value, N;is the total immersion depth of the cone, m; andis the cone constant depending on the angle of the cone α at the apex.

2.2.3. Statistics

The data obtained from the study are the results of triplicate measurements. The results of measurements were analyzed using XlStat 2020 (Addinsoft Inc., Lille, France). The differences between the samples were evaluated using a one-way ANOVA;


< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Cold Press Oil Machines | Oil Press Machine | Nut Butter ...

Which oil press machine is best for you?

When choosing an oil press machine, you should first know your requirements and needs. In this section, we want to discuss how to choose an oil press and what features you should consider. We also look at various factors that can affect oil quality. To help you with this, here are some tips and answers to frequently asked questions on how to choose a suitable oil press.

The design of the oil press machine: The screw oil press machine transports the raw material to a round nozzle opening, where the raw material is pressed and the oil comes out beforehand through the small holes arranged on the side. Pushing is done by the strainer bars fitted around the press screw and the raw material is pressed from the outer wall towards the outlet. The typical feature of an Ulimac screw oil press is the fine pressing of the press cake from the oil press.

Easy design: The design of the oil press is important because it must be effective, easy to clean and hassle-free. Ulimac oil press models are the first choice for an oil press because it is very easy to disassemble and assemble. Another advantage is that it is particularly easy to handle and can be easily cleaned.

Electrical control of the oil press: The development of electronic components over the past few decades has firmly advanced the development of oil extraction machines. Ulimac oil pressers are easy to use and offer a variety of adjustment options so that pressing is as smooth as possible. You don’t want to give up on a modern and easy-to-use cold oil press machine because it saves you a lot of time and effort. An important component of electrical control is the possibility of setting a certain press speed. This is digitally controlled via a frequency converter. This means that oilseeds with different raw material properties can be pressed individually for the most precise oil pressing possible. Another important component of an electric oil press is a digitally controlled heat controller to monitor and control temperatures during pressing. Most of the heat is generated in the press head of the oil press due to the friction of the oilseeds inside the press. Monitoring and controlling the temperature ensures an even process that has a precise and positive effect on the oil.

Performance of the oil press: Both the performance of the engine and its design are decisive in the selection of the oil press. For pressing a wide variety of oilseeds, an output of 1.5 kW (1500 watts) is recommended for an oil press. An oil press with an engine power of less than 1.5 kW can only process soft oilseeds. If you do not take into account adequate performance in your purchasing decision, you may not be able to process all raw materials. Take this into account when making your selection for the highest possible efficiency.

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