Flour Milling Process | NZFMA

30 Dec.,2024


Flour Milling Process | NZFMA

Once at the mill the incoming wheat is subjected to a series of quality control tests to measure it's moisture content, protein screenings, and sprouting. Wheat is then unloaded and stored in silos.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Pingle.

Once ready to be milled, wheat is removed from the silos. Before wheat can be milled the impurities that were gathered up with the wheat during harvesting must be removed. This process is called Cleaning.

Different mills use various makes of machinery to remove the small stones, husks, weed seeds gathered with the wheat during harvesting.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Pingle Group Wheat Flour Milling Machine.

Cleaning plants use the differences in size, weight, shape and density to isolate and remove impurities.

Wheats are then blended before milling to achieve the quality of flour required. This process is called Gristing.

Water is added to the wheat in small amounts to ensure easy separation of the bran (outer coating) from the endosperm (inner part of the wheat). The water helps to toughen the outer bran layers and softens the inner portion. This makes the soft inner portion easier to remove. This process is called Conditioning.

For more information, please visit Wheat/Maize Pneumatic Roller Mill.