Are branded boxes worth it?

15 Apr.,2024


Shopping on the internet is becoming more popular than ever. It’s easier and more affordable to shop from the comforts of home than to take a ride to the store for the products people need. With a click of a button on their smartphone or computer, people can have products delivered right to their doorstep.

Your business needs custom shipping boxes to get your products into the hands of your customers. But what are the advantages of custom shipping boxes? Can custom boxes help your business? Discover the answers to these questions and more to see how custom packaging is worthwhile for your business.

Table of Contents:

1. Build Brand Awareness

You may have heard the saying, “We eat first with our eyes.” This statement refers to making food look good as well as taste good, but it can apply to your company’s packaging game plan. With custom branding on your boxes, people will start associating your company with a certain aesthetic. They’ll have feelings about your company before even buying or using one of your products for themselves. Before even “tasting” your product, they’ll have an idea of what they could expect based on your branding.

Your customers choose you because they enjoy your products. Appeal to them further with a brand image they enjoy and recognize. They’ll love seeing your logo show up on their doorstep, and that will only add to their excitement for opening the package. It will be like a familiar friend paying them a visit — or a meal that looks as good as it tastes.

2. Improve Your Marketing Tactics

Reaching new and existing customers is all about marketing. You can appeal to your target audience and make them proud to be a part of your customer base with an image they can get behind. Get your brand out there with custom boxes that give consumers something to think about and identify with.

Think of boxes like a canvas for you to paint your message across. Do you care about the environment? Does your business donate to charities or other social causes? What’s your company mission and vision? Think about what you want people to know about your business and put that information on custom boxes for your products. You may see a higher return as you show your intended consumer base what you stand for.

3. Customize Your Box Sizes

Shipping can get expensive based on the size and weight of your boxes. That’s why you should try to get the right size packaging for your products. You should limit the amount of empty space within your packaging while also ensuring your products are safe during transit. Achieve this goal with custom box sizes for each of your products.

Bolt Boxes wants to help you get perfectly sized boxes for your items. You spend a lot of time, effort and money making high-quality products, so you should have packaging that lives up to that standard. Send us pictures of your products along with measurements. Or send us a product sample to ensure we make the perfect box for your products while keeping them safe on their way to your customers.

4. Make Your Boxes Stand Out

When you ship your products out for delivery, they pass through a lot of hands. Shipping plant workers, delivery people and even neighbors will all see your company’s boxes on their way to their final destinations. In a world with countless companies and delivery boxes, you should do all you can to make yours stand out.

Use bold lettering, bright colors, interesting designs and unique box styles to set yourself apart from other companies’ packaging. Package handlers will take note of your unique packages, furthering your brand image and marketing tactics. You can even add customized images and lettering inside your packaging to greet your customers when they open their packages. Those touches could be enough to encourage them to buy from you again. Vibrant, unique boxes are part of a comprehensive campaign to give you the edge over your competition.

5. Be More Eco-Friendly

Caring for the environment is everyone’s duty. When it comes to packaging your products, you may wonder if there is an eco-friendly solution. Luckily, there is.

If your company cares about the environment, our custom shipping boxes are a must. We use 100% recyclable materials in our boxes so you can feel good about where your packaging ends up at the end of its lifecycle. Plus, we use 60-95% post-consumer waste in our packaging, helping to reduce our own carbon footprint, as well.

6. Enjoy a Quick Turnaround

At Bolt Boxes, we fulfill all our orders in-house. That means we do it all ourselves — no need for outsourcing to third parties. Outsourcing opens up the door to miscommunication, delays and other roadblocks. Because we handle the entire process from start to finish, we can make sure you get your order of custom boxes on time.

We are the fastest custom box manufacturers in the world. Be confident when you order custom packaging from us that you’ll receive your order on time and in perfect condition. We pride ourselves on our fast turnaround, and we do it so your business can reach its goals.

7. Get Your Boxes Made in the USA

The team at Bolt Boxes believes in the phrase “Made in the USA.” We know those words stand for high-quality products, a commitment to excellence and an investment in American workers and communities. That’s why we perform all our operations under one roof in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

If you care about buying American, you can feel good about working with Bolt Boxes. You’ll be able to ship each of your products in American-made packages. Combine this fact with our eco-friendly materials, and you know you’re doing your part to invest in the land you call home.

Customize Your Packaging With Bolt Boxes

Our dedicated, friendly team is ready to help you achieve your business goals with custom shipping boxes. Custom shipping boxes can make your business stand out from the rest with help from the benefits above. And with us, experiencing these benefits is easy. Our website’s homepage contains a built-in tool for finding the perfect size box to suit your needs. From there, you can follow the on-site directions to add nearly any customization option your business needs.

Call us at 1-800-677-8283 or contact us online to learn more about our custom packaging services.

Last Updated: July 12, 2023

For many ecommerce sellers, when it comes to branding the first thought is about what the individual item’s packaging looks like. But these days with so many items being delivered directly to consumers, there can be significant benefits in branding the packaging and shipping elements. Then a customer will see the company’s touch from the moment their product arrives at the front door of a home or business.

Below is a list of ways to enhance a buyer’s experience through custom branded packaging, and different ways for creating a unique look that will stand out.

Visual Branding Elements

Branded Boxes

Enhancing shipping boxes with branded elements such as a company logo, tagline, or color scheme is probably the most common way a seller can take advantage of the shipping process. This first one may seem obvious, but is often overlooked. With the number of packages that now arrive directly to customers, instead of showing up on retailers shelves, it is important to stand out in different, less traditional way. Anything that can be done to increase awareness of a company’s brand can help them stand out from the crowd.

Seller benefit: By bringing brand recognition to every visual aspect of your product it will ensure your company comes to  mind every time someone sees one of your shipments arrive. People who have never heard of your company might become intrigued and check it out if they receive a box with your information on it. This essentially turns your shipping boxes into a new advertising tool. With more and more ecommerce sellers in the marketplace, these creative decisions can give you a competitive advantage that other businesses might be missing.  

Plus if you choose to include a website, phone number, instructions or a QR code printed directly on the shipping box (or other visual materials) the process of returning, or placing more orders is made easier and more convenient.

Packing Tape

Printing company information on packing tape is an unexpected and great way to include additional information to a branded shipment.

Seller benefit: Adding  a website or phone number can be an incredibly cost effective way to provide your customer with easy access to important information. It can an inexpensive way to A/B test the strategy of branded shipping materials, to track what type of information is producing the kind of results the business needs.


This can be another, even less expensive away to allow a seller’s brand to stand out on packaging.

Seller benefit: Similar to branded packing tape, having relevant information on a sticker that goes on the outside of a standard box can provide a convenient and efficient way to add brand awareness, or extra information, to a shipment.

Custom Packaging Inserts

Many retailers find value in adding a catalog, a discount coupon, or other giveaway to their shipments. This can be a great way to motivate a customer to re-order from a seller.

Seller benefit: The benefit of doing this in the shipping box is that it can be updated with any kind of relevant information, quarterly/annual specials, additional incentives, without having to change the actual packaging of the physical product.  


This can go hand in hand with visual branded elements, but it is actually somewhat different. With so many packages arriving at customers every day, it really makes sense to stand out in every possible way. Packaging differentiation goes farther than just adding a logo or color to shipping materials; in this case taking the extra step of creating a unique presentation on the outside of a shipment, it could be in textured materials, or unique shape. By associating unique characteristics with their products, brand owners create instant recognition. If there are 10 generic brown boxes, and one with a unique look and color scheme it really helps to separate that company from the rest. It can have a custom size or even a smooth feel, further distinguishing the brand recognition.

Cost Efficient Materials

Box sizing

Often using a custom box size, means the shipping elements are exactly the size they need to be, no bigger. No need to use boxes larger than what the product needs.

Seller benefit: Custom packaging can save money spent on excess packaging. Over time, the added weight and paper consumption can generate significant costs for companies.

It can also help save on shipping costs. Most shipping costs are based on not only the weight, but also the size of the box it ships in. This is known as dimensional weight pricing. If a seller isn’t using custom shipping boxes, chances are that they are paying more than they actually need to for each item they ship. These might not seem like huge considerations, but accumulated  over the number of units sold, it can be a considerable savings for any business.

Eco-friendly materials

Today’s consumers have a more heightened awareness of the environmental impact that their shipping and receiving can have. A seller can choose specifically eco-friendly packaging materials (also called sustainable packaging or green packaging), these can be made from biodegradable, recyclable, non-toxic, or natural materials.

Seller benefit: Promoting the fact that a seller is using recycled materials is another way to build brand image and customer loyalty. It shows that the seller is also aware of the impact, and promotes it as a responsible brand that is working towards reducing its impact on the environment.

A Note on Business-to-Retailer (B2R) or Business-to-Business (B2B) Branded Shipping

If a seller is shipping directly to a retailer, having custom shipping packages can make things easier for the receiving company. Any retailer receiving your company product, likely also receives  a number of other products from different brands. By color coding your product, or labeling your boxes with your company name, logo, or information, makes it more efficient for the retailer to receive shipments and sort their inventory accordingly. If a seller uses a “display shipper” than the box can go directly on the shelf. Making things easier for a retailer is a great way to enhance the chance of both repeat, as well as increased orders.

The #1 Seller Benefit: Heightened Value Perception

The ultimate seller benefit to adding any of these branded shipping elements is a heightened experience for customers—and happy customers means happy retailers!

Shipping products in custom boxes, with branded materials, can go a very long way towards creating a more engaging shopping and shipping experience. It creates an appearance that enhances the legitimacy of any company, and gives a great first impression. It can show a higher level of care from the seller, creating a more positive experience for the customer. By a seller showcasing that they care about even the smallest details of shipping, which is often an afterthought, it can enhance a brand’s value in a customer’s mind.


There are many benefits to working with a third party logistics company (3PL), if you are seeking logistics support we’d love to hear from you. You can read DCL’s list of services to learn more, or check out the many companies we work with to ensure great logistics support. Send us a note to connect about how we can help your company grow.

Tags: Articles About Value Added Services, Packaging


Are branded boxes worth it?

Branded Shipping For Sellers: 6 ways to stand out from the other brown boxes