101 Guide on Different Types of Strainers in Pipeline

19 Aug.,2024


101 Guide on Different Types of Strainers in Pipeline

Strainers, in general, are used for filtration purposes. They help separate the liquid from the solid particles, giving you pure results. The infused liquid is passed through a removable screen which helps collect particles. The same is the reason why strainers are used in pipelines. The screen also collects particles of size 0.001 inches to ensure no impurities are passed. 

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The filters of the strainers are usually produced using fibrous substances. This kind of substance helps capture the debris at several spots throughout. This results in clogging the filter component, which needs to be changed often. There are different types of strainer in piping. This article talks about strainers and the types used in a pipeline. 

What Is A Strainer? 

A strainer valve is a pipe connection that enables the liquid to pass through to get refined liquid at the other end. That said, they are used to segregate the liquid from solid particles and obtain dirt and debris-free liquid. Hence, a strainer is anything that helps strain a liquid and prevents the solid particles from getting combined into the flow line. 

A lot of junk is often in the pipeline, such as rust, scales, weld metal, and dovetail joints. The strainer catches all of these to make sure nothing flows along. It helps prevent the machinery from negative impacts of all kinds, thereby reducing the servicing and downtime. This is what is strainer in pipeline.

Types Of Strainers

There are numerous types of strainer and check valves out there in the market. The general types of strainers available that help strain liquid in the pipeline are Y-type strainers, temporary strainers, basket strainers, and special application strainers.

Source: Indiamart

Y-Type Strainers

A Y-type strainer is used if a few granules are required to be separated from the medium. When recurrent maintenance is possible, these strainers are used on the pipeline for increased efficiency. The best part of using this type of strainer is that one can place it in any position, horizontal or perpendicular. These types of strainers are usually placed in pipelines where the pressure is more than PSI. 

It is recommended that the strainer should be used in a vertical arrangement when the position of the pipe is perpendicular. The name of the strainer was kept after its structure. There are two holes in the strainer, and a drain pipe is also set in the diagonal position to flush out the debris. This is where all debris and trash is collected before it is liberated. 

When the strainer is placed horizontally, there are chances of erosion; to prevent that, one should place the pocket in the perpendicular plane. Furthermore, if vapor or gas needs to be filtered, the strainer is placed horizontally or installed in a perpendicular position. 

You should be aware that these strainers are not made to hold a lot of particles and dirt, so they require regular cleaning. This helps ensure that the way for the flow is not blocked. The Y-type strainers are best for gaseous mediums such as air, vapor, natural gas, etc. 

Basket Type Strainers

The Y-type strainers discussed above are polar, contrary to the basket-type strainers available in the market. This type of strainer works best with particles of enormous sizes and for pipes requiring frequent cleaning. The basket strainers are usually used in usage that surpasses almost 1,500 PSI. This strainer has different names, like the tee-type, T-type, or pot type. Also, the pressure reduction for the basket-type strainers is less than that of the Y-type strainers. 

This strainer has a larger straining area, which means they are the best for storing more particles. Holding more debris is an additional advantage of using this strainer type, so it will not require frequent cleaning. One of the flaws of using the basket-type strainer is that it can only be installed in parallel pipes. 

Also, the foundation of the strainers needs reinforcement for the basket strainers that are bulkier. The basket strainers have a cover at the tip, which can be detached so that the operator can easily access the filtering element. This enables them to replace the strainer or clean it easily when debris gets stocked up. 

When this strainer is installed in the steam system, a significant quantity of condensate gets collected. The steam strainers have drain stoppers and a steam trap to collect the droplets. 

Temporary Strainers

As the name suggests, the temporary strainers are recommended to be used temporarily. That said, if the user is tight on budget, using temporary strainers will enable them to save a good amount of money. These strainers are installed in between the pipe flanges. They are available in three styles, and the user can choose based on their needs. The design of all the types available is simple for the user to make the most of their usage. 

The three types of strainers available are truncated, flat, and conical. The stance of temporary strainers is much lower than that of basket strainers. Hence, no denying the fact that maintaining, removing, or cleaning these strainers is a time-consuming process. This is because the pipeline keeps dismantling, causing the operators to take more time. In the end, the surge of the flowing media helps it move through the strainer and also has a distorting tendency. 

Twin Strainers or Duplex Strainers

The duplex or twin strainers, as the name suggests, have two strainers together to do the job. This stainer is a basket strainer that is similar to it but has different terms. The duplex strainers are ideal to be used alternatively when there are continual activities and cleaning becomes difficult between the processes. With two strainers, the benefit is that when one strainer gets filled up, the straining process gets switched to the other basket. 

This way, the strainer guarantees the operator that the filtering process will continue until the first basket gets cleaned or replaced. The valves present in this strainer are either plug type or ball type. This permits the flow of water to be diverted from one basket to the other. One can only install these strainers in pipes that are placed in parallel positions. 

Also, they are ideal for large or bulkier pipes as well. These strainers are also ideal for the pipelines or programs that need to run continuously, and when one basket gets full, the other is present to do the job.

Some Special Strainer Types

Several other different and special different types of strainers available in the market are used to serve different purposes. A few of them are discussed below, along with their details, for you to understand clearly. The strainers are classified based on the obvious specifications and the pipe systems. For some applications, the use of certain strainers becomes necessary. 

  • Strainers with Large Capacity Baskets: As the name suggests, these are the strainers that have baskets with larger capacities available so that they can hold a large amount of dirt and debris. Also, their straining capabilities are the finest to ensure the purest form of liquid or gas is obtained. Furthermore, if the media that flows through the strainer is sticky and dense, the design prevents the blockage of strainers to a great extent. 
  • Strainers With Wider Differences: When the medium that passes through has great pressure, the strainers with wide differences are very effective and deliver great results. The strainers are made extraordinarily, and they can handle high pressures. All of this is possible with the help of welded mesh screens or heavy wire mesh. 
  • Jacketed Strainers: Some strainers are available with housings composed of cast or metal. Such types are required for some specialized procedures and offer incredible results. This type of additional housing helps provide enhanced stability to the strainers. The jacketed strainers also help keep the media&#;s temperature higher than ambient temperature. 
  • Magnetic Strainers: As the name suggests, this type of strainer has some magnets for better results. They are effective since it helps prevent the untimely degradation of pump seals. The magnets present in the strainer create a magnetic field that attracts iron molecules towards itself. Iron molecules in the medium cause the pump to rust and, consequently, destroy it. 

How Do Strainers Function in a Pipeline?

Pipe strainers clean the media, separate the larger pieces from the smaller ones, and filter the liquid to remove the fine debris from the flow medium. They collect trash as the media passes through them.

Source: Indiamart

Strainers filter out particles that could clog pipes. In a way, strainers reduce the need for repairs and maintenance because of clogs. The network is safer when potentially harmful components are removed from a pipeline system. Using the proper strainer correctly can prevent damage to your valves and other piping apparatus.

Applications of Strainers in Industry

Typically, industrial strainers are installed after valves, condensers, and pumps. These intricate mechanical components play an essential role in ensuring the robustness and productivity of the pipe system. When the medium is particularly thick or contaminated, industrial strainers come in handy for removing unwanted particles.

Source: Indiamart

A few examples of fields that regularly employ strainers are listed below.

  • Production of Chemicals
  • Industry Related to Treating Water
  • Food-Related Business
  • The Oil Industry

Some Common Terms You Must Be Aware Of

Like other piping parts, strainers come in various sizes and configurations. How well or poorly the strainer functions depends on these factors.

Source: Indiamart

Fouling can occur in an industrial strainer with tiny holes. This term describes the buildup of sediment or other substances on the tube&#;s inner walls. This trend could lead to more frequent pipe cleaning appointments. This can wreak havoc on the plumbing if left unchecked. Taking the effort to learn what factors into selecting the suitable strainer ensures a more streamlined piping process.

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What Is The Flow Velocity?

A key consideration is how much liquid needs to be filtered via the strainer. Faster flow and lower pressure are interdependent processes. The slower the flow rate, the thicker the substance.

This consideration is crucial for industrial strainers when establishing the maximum allowable pressure drop. There is no connection between this and the diameter of the pipes. Pressure drop charts are available online. As a result, we can roughly calculate the pressure drop after using the strainer. For liquids that flow over 150 GPM, a basket strainer is the most efficient choice. This strainer type provides less pressure reduction than others.

The standard strainer should have a minimum initial pressure decrease of 2 PSIG. The highest rate it can handle is 8 frames per second (feet per second).

What is the Specific Ratio of Open Space?

How long a strainer can function before needing to be cleaned is directly related to its open area ratio (also known as its Capacity ratio). In addition, this factor affects the strainer&#;s internal pressure loss.

To know if the strainer mesh needs to be cleaned or replaced, look at its open area proportion. When the strainer gets clogged, the pressure drops dramatically. A high percentage of open space suggests that the medium is littered with particles or is exceptionally sticky.

How Big Mesh Should You Select?

The filtering efficiency of a strainer depends on the size of its mesh. In general, the finer the mesh, the more force it can withstand. Noting the plus (+) or minus (-) sign next to the mesh size is essential.

You can determine the mesh size of a screen by counting the number of openings in one linear inch. 

Any molecule with a diameter more than the plus sign will be unable to pass through the openings in the mesh. If a minus sign follows the number, only particles less than that size are let through. For example, if you have a +400 mesh, nothing more than 37 microns in diameter may get through. A -60 mesh allows particles with a diameter of lesser than 250 microns to pass through.

How Do Different Types Of Strainers Affect The Straightness Of Pipes?

Pipes are not generally set at a horizontal angle. However, the best strainers for vertical pipes are the Y-type or t-type basket strainers. However, the Y strainer&#;s screen needs to be pointing down. This makes it simple to trap the particles and prevents the debris from returning upstream.

Contrarily, basket strainers work well with horizontal or gently sloping pipes. Contrarily, the strainer is positioned as low as possible for simple debris flushing.

How To Choose A Pipeline Strainer? 

When it comes to picking the strainer for your pipeline, you should make an adequate choice since it impacts the longevity of the pipeline. Furthemore, it also helps enhance the quality of the product thereby minimising the requirements of the maintenance. 

Source: Indiamart

The Design Criteria

The strainer of the pipeline can be custom fabricated for multiple ports and connections. They are made by using some exotic alloys and also have custom coating. In addition to it, the strainers are engineered to meet the specific designing criteria and have custom coatings. It also involves the velocity of the flow, differential pressure and also the capacity of the particle holding. 

The Size of Particle Retention

The pipeline strainers are generally used to protect the downstream processes or equipment from the particulate. To help ensure efficient removal of all types of impurities, the size of the strainer should be smaller than the acceptable level of the particle size. 

Furthermore, the establishment of the performance tolerance is critical to ensure results. The pipeline strainers are not designed for the applications of microfiltration that require some specific efficiencies. The element holding capacity of the strainer is usually estimated by the ratio of the open area. This area is the comparison of the total area to the cross sectional area of the inlet pipe. 

To make sure the strainer is of proper size, the fluid that usually flows through, should be tested to know the range of the particle size and also the concentration of the critical application. 

Pressure Limit and Temperature

It is critical to identify the regulated pressure and also the thermo capability for all different types of strainer used as an industrial equipment. The particular specifications of the strainer can be employed in a vast spectrum of applications and at times may not be adequate enough to meet the needs of the particular protocol lines. 


Another critical criteria that should be kept in mind when choosing a strainer is the dimension of the strainer that is being used in the pipeline. If you end up buying a size larger than what is required, the particles may pass through the strainer thereby negatively impacting the functioning of the gear. On the contrary, if the strainer has a smaller size, there can be a fall in the pressure which ultimately leads to impacting the efficiency of the pipeline. 

Role Of Strainer In The Pipeline

A strainer in the pipeline is equipped to screen through the flowing media and thereby segregating the fluid of the flow particles. This is done to the media that is present in the tube. Dirt and other similar particles may get deposited along with the flow of the media thereby impacting its efficiency. 

The strainer is used in the pipeline so that the substances available on the piping system gets nullified or else it can impact the system of the pipe. This equipment helps cut down a considerable amount of time and money that is otherwise taken to fix the broken things. It helps ensure that the rest of the parts of the system are safe because all harmful particles are kept outside. 

Difference Between Filters and Strainers

Many of us knew that strainers and filters are the same, and both the equipment are leveraged to carry out the same kind of work. In reality, filters are employed in numerous industries and they have a vast range of applications that range from one another to a great extent. On the contrary, strainer is a type of filter. To check some of the best strainer valves available in the market visit the website of some of the best valve manufacturers, like Dombor. 

The filters are used for the isolation of substances from certain media. That said, they originally help in stopping the flow of media from getting passed down the stream. Filters help separate the particles that measure around 1 mm. On the contrary, the strainers help remove minutest of the particles or molecules that are present in the medium and are not solid particles. 

Unlike the filters, the mechanism of a strainer can be used several times in a row whereas the filtering capacity of the filter can only be employed once. Another distinction is the ability of the equipment to resist particles. Most of the strainers are manufactured to allow reduced resistance or the flow of medium. 

Strainers also have a vast range of applications and are used in numerous industries to help strain the medium flowing through a pipeline. With different types available making an adequate choice is necessary. Strainer valves are employed to  filter liquid and prevent the solid items from getting mixed in the flowing liquid. 


The strainers used in the pipeline are manufactured using different materials so users can buy their choice of an industrial strainer. To ensure the best results, robust materials are used in reliable industrial valve manufacturer, ensuring that the medium that passes through is properly filtered. Strainers play a significant role in the entire piping system and trap dirt and dust of all kinds. 

The design of all types available have no major differences, but people choose to buy one based on their specific needs. Get in touch with us if you want to know more about strainers or wish to buy industrial valves at very low prices.

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Contact us to discuss your requirements of Cast iron basket strainer China. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.