What is Cold Pressed Oil and How it is Made?

26 Jan.,2024


Edible oil is one of the basic and compulsory ingredients used daily in cooking. There are plenty of oil varieties available on the market for cooking under the category of refined and unrefined oils. But if we talk from a good health perspective, only cold-pressed oil can give you good health along with taste.

Good quality oil contains properties like low cholesterol, high heating temperature, nice fragrance, plenty of nutrients, and fatty acids. The cold-pressed oil is the best example of perfect oil, which contains all such qualities, making it suitable for consumption. 

So, if you are a health-conscious person, it is important to choose the cooking oil that will ensure a healthy lifestyle. 

Here in this blog, you can get detailed information and cold pressed oil meaning. So, keep reading it till the end.

What is Cold Pressed Oil?

Most oils are extracted from seeds, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Oil from seeds is extracted through refining, heating, crushing, and cleaning.

Out of all the extraction methods, cold-pressed is well known as the best natural to get fresh and healthy oil.

Cold-pressed oil extraction is the process of crushing the seeds and nuts by the external force. 

It is a completely natural process that doesn’t include any heating process.

As the oil is expected without heating, it has a high heating point, making it a better oil to use in cooking than the oils produced by the heating process.

Cold-pressed oil contains all the nutrients required in a healthy food oil.

Difference between Cold Pressed Oil and Refined Oil

According to the reports, it is clear that Cold Pressed Oil is far better than Refined Oil.

The Cold Pressed Oil is rich in Vitamin E, Oleic acid, and full of nutrients.  The oil is completely free from the chemicals which are added to oils during the refining and cleaning process.

Both refined and cold pressed oil looks the same but the aromatic property in cold pressed oil makes the food even tastier.

Refined oil is a product of filtration by using various chemicals and heat that makes the oil shiny and light. The process involved in the making of refined oil reduces the nutrients which are very beneficial for the human body.

Below you can check the complete process of making this oil. This will help you know what cold pressed oil means.

Cold Pressed Oil Making Procedure

Oil extraction is an operation in which the oil is extracted without any damage.  The best quality of oil will be obtained by reducing the chances of impurities and maintaining the available nutrients and fats from the raw material of oil.

The principle of extracting the oil is the same in all the methods but the technologies adopted are different and the Cold Pressed Oil process of extraction is the best way to maintain the quality of the oil.

Traditionally, the oil was extracted by using a cylindrical shape machine known as “Ghani”.

The oil seeds used to be crushed with the pressure of ghani to extract the oil without any heating process. This was one of the simplest processes to extract oil from seeds.

The same process is still running to extract the oil from seeds. As per the traditional method, the seeds are pressed using wooden or stone chekku forces rather than using any kind of chemical.

In some non-traditional processes, the oil is also extracted by adopting some mechanism rather than using Ghani. 

A quality Cold Pressed Oil also depends on the equipment which is used to extract the oil.  

There are four top considerations when selecting a cold pressed oil extraction system which are 

  1. Torque

  2. Efficiency

  3. Maintaining the product's cooling

  4. Quality Parts

Why to Use Cold Pressed Oil in Cooking?

There are various reasons to choose the Cold Pressed Oil over the Refined Oil

  • You can get the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, phospholipids, etc from this natural oil.

  • Cold Pressed Oil doesn’t contain any additives or preservatives which are a big reason for many diseases.

  • No toxic chemicals are added in the making of cold pressed oil which makes it even healthier than refinery oil products.

  • It retains the natural and original flour and fragrance that helps to make the food tasty.

  •  The Cold Pressed Oil also contains lauric acid which helps in weight loss and lowers the cholesterol level. Lauric acid also improves immunity.

  • It is rich in fatty acids and can be used as skincare and body moisturizing products. 

  • It is proven that Cold Pressed Oil is very beneficial for hair growth.

Cold Pressed Oil has numerous health benefits if used regularly.

Also Read: What Is Cold-Pressed Oil And Why Is It Good For Health?


So, this was all about the cold pressed oil and the process of extraction. Now you have a clear idea about it and also its nutritional benefits. You should start using cold pressed oils today to have a healthier tomorrow.

For more information cold press oil machine, please get in touch with us!